dbsk hiatus

Mar 23, 2009 00:04

I'm about to get ready for bed; I'm exhausted, but its a big night. sort of.

Spring break went really fast but it was nice to sit around. I worked on fics a lot, watched movies, sat on the comfy new couches at my house, hung out with Joy and parents and a couple friends. The het contest is over (I got 2nd and 4th place!), so thats out of the way. I did a couple job applications for summer as well but I feel like its too early for those *shrug*

Also, FB vol. 22 was simply the best ever. The past few volumes have been losing me completely, but this one just... Becka knows what I mean :DDDD it rocked. I would have cried if I hadn't been sitting at B&N with a bunch of strangers. :DDD

Now, why is tonight a big night?
Well, first I'd like to mention that Tuesday is the one year anniversary of my fiction comm, which is kind of exciting, and, I don't know what day exactly, but right around now is the two year anniversary of me discovering Korean boy bands and everything that comes with them. Its crazy, really. And how do I celebrate?

By giving them up.


I am giving up DBSK starting tomorrow morning until approximately April 12th. Call it an experiment, but I also know that the 7 weeks after spring break are usually the most difficult, so I really want to focus on my schoolwork and my future. What am I like nowadays without DBSK? It will be interesting to find out. This means I will be changing my f-list drastically. If I cut you, its simply because I know you to be such a DBSK shipper that you mention them daily. No worries; I'll add you back later!

1. Don't talk to me about dbsk or show me pictures/movies/songs etc. Don't tell me about their latest (and stupidest) Guiness World Record. haha~~~
2. I cannot listen to them.
3. I cannot watch them.
4. I will try not to look at them, but there are posters in my room; thats the only reason I would look at them. I'm in the process of covering them up. haha.
5. I will not sing their songs aloud.
6. If I dream about them I cannot mention it. If I write fics I cannot mention them.
7. I am not banning myself from writing fanfiction, because this experiment could be interesting for my creative juices. I haven't decided about reading fiction. Since I'm a mod at the het comm, I don't want people to think I don't care. so, I'm still undecided.

I listened to DBSK for like an hour when we got back to school. I already know I'm going to miss their voices greatly. I feel kind of scared right now because its like...leaving somebody forever. Anyway, I'm not the only one who has gone on dbsk-hiatus. tohosexy is my support group.

OH Lisa cut my hair again. I'll try to acquire and post a picture or two. Its short and layered and straight! currently.

Hey wish me luck. But don't mention dbsk. haha. ;) omg. I have to change all my userpics. Tomorrow I shall~~~~~

fandom-related, emotional mess, 2009, artist: dbsk, university

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