Apr 02, 2012 19:20
I tend to get into obsessions/phases with different things. For awhile, I was a knitting maniac. Now I don't even want to look at the pair of socks I've been meaning to finish for my mother. I was also obsessed with Tumblr for a time, then that went away, and now its back (damnit, Tumblr!) We won't go into my WoW obsession (which, actually, I haven't had in awhile either--I actually stopped my account back in July or August--CRAZY TALK).
Now I find myself back here. I think part of it has to do with the fact that I was going through my computer and discovered I have about eleventy billion livejournal icons; it made me want to switch some of mine out, so I signed on. Instead of switching icons, however, I thought to myself, "Gee, I should blog." And here we are.
Besides getting into activity phases, I also tend to get into non-activity phases. I went for nearly a month and a half not wanting to go out at ALL, which was apparently distressing to some of my friends, but its just how I roll. I'd just rather go home, put on my PJs and sit on my ass. I think different people "recharge" in different ways, and as I am a more introverted type, my recharging does not involve going out and drinking, etc. Mine requires actually laziness and sleep ;) But to each their own! I seem to have recovered from this phase, though, because I am TOTALLY BORED right now. Also likely why I'm back on ye olde elle jay.
But you know you missed me!