
Dec 23, 2010 10:06

Well, I am a total slacker.  I  know you all have been eagerly awaiting a knee update (yea, right).

Obviously, I lived through my surgery because I am here typing at you!  It was an interesting experience.  One moment, they had wheeled me into the operating room and the nurse removed my glasses and told me that she was going to put them in my shoe, and then I was suddenly waking up in recovery (and apparently wasn't happy about it--I remember crying for no particular reason at all).

I could walk right away, though not super well.  The knee was numb for quite awhile, and I got annoyed at my dressing (which I had to keep on for two days) because it kept slipping down my leg because they hadn't used tape (I have a fabulous allergy to the adhesive.)

The first two days things were shuffley but okay.  My knee was awesomely swollen and looked like a grapefruit.  They had marked both my knees with marker (the surgery knee said "YES" and the non-surgery knee said "NO" haha), so that looked pretty awesome.  Things went a bit downhill on the third day, however--super painful and stiff.  Bending it even slightly resulted in lots of pain.  Totally sucked.

I ended up spending nearly an entire month with my parents (I didn't go home because I live in an upstairs apartment, and obviously, couldn't walk up the stairs).  This was kind of nice because I had people to talk to in the evenings, and for a little while, people waiting on me!  Aw, my parents are so awesome. [side note: Spike was there too.  Of course.]  When I went back to my apartment, they helped me finish unpacking from my move, and helped put up pictures and curtains so that it felt more like "home".  I have the best family ever.

Nowadays, I still have slight swelling at the two bottom surgery sites (they put three little holes in my leg--two under my knee cap on either side, and one above the knee on the inside), and am still stiff but getting better.  I can walk like a normal human, and going up the stairs is pretty okay--down is not so happy, and I can't bend or straighten my leg completely  (though I can bend it farther than I could!)  Every once and awhile I'll do something stupid, like sit down too fast, or trip, and I'll bend it too far and be in excruciating pain and tears.  It also starts to bug me quite a bit if I stand for too long, or if I sit in the same position for too long.  Boo.

I started physical therapy again just last Friday*, and already am sensing improvement.  They had me try the bike on Monday, and I had a hard time pedaling (due to lack of bendiness), but yesterday it was already less awkward. Yay!

*I didn't start PT earlier because when I saw the doc 10 days after my surgery, I had already noticed it feeling better and we thought we would see how much better it would get on its own.  It didn't really cooperate, as you can see.
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