Jun 08, 2005 17:10
It is so dark outside, it seems as though night has fallen. That means a storm is headed this way. The satalite is out so no t.v. just now. It is 86 degrees and muggy as crap. There is thunder in the distance and the rain is hitting on the tin roof in sporatic drifts. Should be a good night to stay in. Darrell is trying to get the web site up and is having a wonderful time doing it. The message of the day, when he clicks on the site,is that he is not allowed to veiw that page. He paid 200 bucks to get it running. I am not sure what the trouble is but as long as he is having a great time being frustrated and angry, who am I to stop him? I think it is a good release after a hard day at work where he can't tell people to get stuffed.
Only one phone call today and that was from Dorothy. She had a call come in while we were "chatting" and I was glad to let her go. I am not much for phone calls even once a week. I want the call to have a reason, not just to talk. Just tell me where I need to be or what I need to be doing and that is all I want to hear. I do call Anna once a week but her husband died two months ago and she looks forward to talking to anyone. We will visit her in Florida at the end of the month. I kind of want to go and kind of want to come back home soon. We will stay over night and then come back. That way, we can say we did it and that will be it. I love Anna but I like staying in my own bed and my own house and having people come stay here if they want to. We don't really have facility for anyone to stay but we can make do. Laurene is talking about visiting and she is such an opportunist that I think the only reason she will visit is because she has not seen this part of the country. That is the impression I got when she came ten years back. Nothing from Nothing leaves nothing. Oh well No big deal. I am just in another mood.
The rain is coming down harder now. Bear's home. Gotta go.