
Dec 15, 2006 00:25

After eating the chocolate letter I got for Sinterklaas from Bas - he made I-shaped letters out of L-shaped ones (cutting the small part of and eating that himself), because they never have the one's I like: pure chocolate with nuts in it in I-shapes (and hey what's the point of getting chocolate letters if it isn't the letter from your first name?**))- I ofcourse got sick to my stomach. It was a very sweet idea of him though.
Note to myself: I should really start to care about what I eat when Bas or anyone else isn't going to have dinner with me. When no-one's there it doesn't mean you can just skip it or eat a chocolate letter instead. I used to be so "I eat very healthy, thank you very much" and now I just really can't be bothered to cook if it's only going to be for me. Can't say my health is improving with that sort of life-style though.

** Sinterklaas is a Dutch costum I probably try to explain every single year on livejournal and never succeed on it. Let's just say that Santa Claus has officially been based on Sinterklaas and that it's sort of the same but then it's celebrated at the 5th of september and Sinterklaas doesn't have elfs and reindeer's to help him, but "zwarte pieten" (black pete's). Getting a chocolate letter that is the shape of the first letter of your name is a tradition that belongs into the whole story of Sinterklaas, but I can't be bothered to try and explain.

If you want to get a concept of what zwarte piet would look like, here's what Bas (1st picture) and Iris (2nd one) look like as zwarte pieten (being like that for the sinterklaas celebration at my mother's school (kids, like with santa claus, believe that sinterklaas exists until a certain age, strange thing is that every kid in the netherlands knows that santa claus is a fairy tale and couldn't possibly be true.)

I look so serious in that picture & Bas looks so - not like Bas at all -. Not that I really think it looks a lot like me (every time I'd look in the mirror during the day I'd freak out a little and we had to drink through straws because otherwise the paint would wear of, seriously: tea through straws), hmm.. anyway. Being zwarte piet is about being ridiculous, so it's okay I guess.
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