Jun 20, 2008 05:29
The time is 5:30 am on Friday. We will be leaving for the hospital in about 45 mins. 3 hours from now I will be going into surgery (most likely)-- 4 hours from now we will be parents to both a 7 year old AND a brand new baby. Surreal. 4 hours people. After the emotional roller coaster that was yesterday, I can't even imagine the loops and swirls I will be riding today. I can promise this-- there will be tears and lots of them.
Elias has been especially snuggly this morning. I wonder what is going through his head this morning? He was so well-behaved yesterday. I was sooo proud of him. I know what a hard time he has sitting still and being quiet, and he did so phenomenally. He was completely appropriate. On the way home, the whole thing kind of hit him and he started sobbing in the back seat of the car. I think it was not just the understanding that GG Reen was gone, but that it happens to all of us eventually. He was pretty much inconsolable for about an hour (and I felt just awful because we were stuck in 4:30 pm Seattle rush hour traffic and there was nowhere I could pull over to just hug him and let him cry it out on my shoulder). He was doing better once we got home, but I know that is a hard thing for a 7 year old to deal with. It's a lot of reality all at once.
Today he will get the other side of the coin. He is wearing his "Big Brother (In Training)" shirt. With his haircut and new shoes he looks quite handsome. It's hard to believe how big he's getting! He's starting to outgrow his size 8 pants-- they are all becoming highwater. Yet he is so thin, we still have to practically strap them on him with a belt! I can't believe we are going to have to request size 9s for his birthday next month, I don't know how we are going to keep them up! Yesterday we met one of Gavin's cousins and her two kids. I asked how old the boy was, thinking he was a little bit younger than Elias, since Elias was taller than he was. Turns out, he's a full year older than Elias. Drives home the point of how tall Elias is.
It is wierd to rest my hand on my stomach and know that I won't be pregnant anymore in a few more hours.
I'm going to go finish getting ready. See y'all on the flip side....