Aug 22, 2008 09:37
Julian is getting bigger! He's at least 9 lbs now. He's rolling to his side if I put him on his belly, and he's lifting his head. He still spits up allot! In fact he spit up in my hair the other day, so I had about 4 inches trimmed off the bottom, but it's still pretty long though. We are doing the cloth diaper thing, with Fuzzy Buns which is going well. I'm really enjoying my new friendship with Jen the owner of "Go Green Baby" a cloth diaper shop with lots of organic products for kids. Once a month she does a cloth diapering mom social at her shop and I look forward to it every month, even if it is just her and I thus far! I'm not as stressed, going out with Julian, as he fits in his car seat much better now. Paul is a big help with changing diapers and burping. We kinda figured out this dinner time routine where I feed the baby and Paul eats, then I hand the baby to him to burp and then I get to eat. Oh, and Julian is beginning to like taking a bath, so that's more fun too.
Vincent broke his arm 8/16 evening. He came home from the hospital with a temporary splint and his arm wrapped up in a sling. He saw the specialist Tuesday morning, and then had general anesthesia Wednesday morning to have it set. There was a slight chance it would need pins, but it did not, so he came out of his procedure after about a half hour with a cast on his arm. Vincent is in year round school, but he had three days off this week, so he only missed 2 days. He's been watching allot of TV, playing Scrabble Jr, and playing some computer/video games. He would love to have some friends over to play board games. He's not in allot of pain, but annoyed that he can't play as much as he used to. We have also been cooing together, yesterday we made orange jello with mandarin orange slices in it. We also got his hair cut a little shorter, it's been falling in his eyes.