My favorite thing to do with both Zachary and Sadie is feed them, mostly because I can give them the same amount of attention at the same time and they're both happy.
I will cut up grapes, berries and cheese for Sadie at the table and give her little bits at a time until she signs "more" or "eat" to me, which is pretty interesting to see how teaching her those signs have really helped her to communicate..being 1 1/2 can be so tough. So I'll get to make silly noises back and forth with Sadie and hold Zachary and give him a bottle while he falls asleep in breast milk bliss.
So, I wrote my first song on the autoharp today in between writing my paper and sitting on babies.
I was in a hurry when I saved the song originally, so I didn't realize that I forgot to delete a track that I had muted, so I apologize to anyone who received a big ol' mess originally when I was running out the door.
Here's the real demo that you can listen to if you choose: