Jun 26, 2009 11:48
I suppose I should discuss my latest experience with college sporting events, which was much, much different than previous ones. Allow me to begin with what I absolutely love about LSU sports... you wear the same colors and logos to an event, and all of a sudden, you're family. Just like that. It doesn't matter if you're black, white, Asian, from Louisiana or New York, supporting the other team in disguise, even. You're just automatically family.
My dad and I drove three hours up to Omaha, NE for a game we lost- the second to last in the series, which we won- then drove back only to arrive home at 2am, completely high on coffee and loud country music. When we got there, the skies began to cloud over, only to dump their contents upon us right at gametime. With the game postponed for an hour, we met up with Kent (who got us the tickets) and a bunch of other guys my dad used to work with. When the rain let up a bit, we headed across the street from Rosenblatt Stadium into a makeshift bar, where mostly LSU fans were already drunk and watching ESPN's replay of the previous night's epic win against Texas. The guys tried to get me to dance. I'm too uncoordinated. They tried to get me to go on stage when they called up the single ladies. I said that a bar is a very bad place to pick up guys. They asked what I planned to do at ASU, the country's biggest party school. I replied that I'll be getting a degree in Japanese education. I suppose I must be a really poor representation of America's youth.
Some random drunk guy also hit on me in the bar. That was pretty hilarious. And reinforced my overall dislike of social situations as well as alcohol. My dad is no longer concerned that I'm your average oversexed, partying, drug-doing teenager... I hope.
After the rain cleared, the air was suddenly nice and cool. We had incredible seats, right behind home plate and far enough up that it wasn't the nosebleed section but still high enough that you had an awesome view of the game. And although we lost, it was fun to just be with the LSU crowd again- our makeshift family of sports fans. It would have been great if they had taken the series that night- Texas was completely burned out in the last game, so it was an asswhooping of epic proportions- but it didn't take away from the fun, the excitement.
I'm also going to church camp this year~! It's going to be pretty exciting. I hope. :]