(no subject)

Nov 07, 2004 13:20

it's been a very long time since i've updated.. i always think about what i'm going to write in here when i finally feel like writing and actually get a minute but then i forget, so oh well..
a lot of things have been happening, not really for the good but theres really nothing anyone can do about it. I just need to get over it, soon.
so yeah, me and vince have broken up. it sucks too cause every stupid little thing reminds me of him. i find myself thinking about if he's thinking about me or if he's with another girl or just stupid stuff about him. i find myself thinking about all the good times we've had over the past year and a half..it's a very long time and we've had plenty of good times. but i guess things do get old, not for me really but for him, and i just need to get over that and i hopefully will eventually. i just need to get over it soon and just stop thinking about him.
other than that, things have been alright, i've been hanging out with different people which has been pretty cool.
i've realized more than lately that i'm a pretty jealous person. i get jealous over stupid little things that i shouldn't be jealous over but i am. kgjsdhlgkjdh
i'm have a brain cramp and can't really think of what to say so i'll hopefully update sooner than later because i know i have a lot more to say and get off my chest that i just can't think of right now.

Name:: Jennifer
Age:: 16
Zodiac:: cancer
Location:: Gilford, NH
Gender:: female
Birthday:: June 22, 88
Height:: 5'4 3/4"
Eyes:: brown
Hair:: blonde
Lips:: i'd like them to be a little bigger?
Build:: medium height?

How are you feeling today?:: meh
Are you usually happy or sad?:: lately i haven't been too happy, but i'm happy when i'm around people who make me happy:P
How many people would you like to kill?:: umm...? i don't think i could actually kill someone..
How's life at home?:: it's been better
If you have siblings, do you get along with them?:: not really
Have you lost any family members?:: no, well not that i've known very well or at all
Do you get along with your parents?:: yeah i get along with my mom most of the time, i don't really talk to my dad even though he does live with me which is pretty pathetic
Most people see you as:: i have no idea?
Have you ever cussed someone out?:: not really? i might have just dont remember..
Have you ever mugged someone?:: no lol
What is your greatest fear?:: being alone and failing at life
What makes you happy?:: friends and snowboarding, agreed.
If you could sit down to a cup of coffee with anyone who would it be?:: i don't know right now..
Do you like to smile?:: yeah, cuz that usually means i'm happy:P
...Do you know smiling is good for you?:: i do know that..
Do you get frustrated easily?:: not really...but only when people can't give me a straight answer
How tolerant are you of others?:: pretty tolerant i guess.
What is your goal in life?:: to be successful, marry the love of my life, and to just be happy..
What is your greatest accomplishment thus far?:: that i have the best friends anyone could ask for, agreed.
Do you act your age?:: most of the time.
What is your favorite quote?:: I like wayy too many
What is the nicest compliment you've recieved?:: i don't know
What is the most interesting comment you've recieved?:: ummm?

10 Turn-Ons:
1.: taller than me
2.: nice smile
3.: tan
4.: nice body
5.: can make me smile
6.: sweet talkers
7.: likes to hang out with me, and likes to hang out with me and his friends
8.: not boring
9.: a guy that can surprise you, i loveee surprises
10.: good personality

10 Turn-Offs:

1.: jerk
2.: can't control his temper
3.: a person who doesn't care
4.: someone who is dirty(unhygenic)?
5.: liars
6.: someone who is mean
7.: someone who is boring
8.: doesnt call
9.: cocky/full of himself
10.: only one thing on his mind...i think you know what that is.

What about crushes or significant others? not really
How's your sex life going?: not good
Are you currently attached?: nope
Who asked who out first?:
Do you wish you were or weren't in a relationship or are you content now?: i like relationships, good ones.
How was your first kiss?: i'm pretty sure it was cody when we were like 3:P
Was it a good first kiss?: i can't remember that far lol
Where's the craziest place you've done anything sexual with another person?: hahahah O:)
Have you ever commited a crime?: yep
What was it?: ...
Ever done drugs and if so, what?: yep, pot
Drink Alcohol?: yeah, but not very often...
Are you addicted to anything?: i guess you could say "addicted" lol
What's the stupidest law you've heard of?: drinking at 21
Have you ever been arrested?: nope
Did you ever attempt to lie to the police?: haha yeah...
Have you been in jail?: no

This or that.

Hugs or Kisses:: i like hugs, but kisses are funner
Candles or Lights:: candles
Stars or Sun:: stars
Brush or Comb:: brush
Pixy Stix or Fun Dip:: fun dip
Dr. Pepper or Mr. Pibb:: don't like soda
Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter:: neither
Barbies or Action Figures:: barbies
The Matrix or Minority Report:: haven't seen either
England or United States:: usa, im going to england this summer i think though:)
Starbucks or Java City:: starbucks
CDs or Records:: cds
Be at the game or Watch the game at home:: being there
Cheetos or Doritos:: cheetos
Playstation or Nintendo:: Playstation
TV or Movies:: depends on my mood
Individual or Team sports:: depends..i like both
Day or Night:: both
Mysterious or Outgoing:: outgoing
Blondes or Brown:: both
Blue or Green eyes:: both
Virgins or Experienced:: not too experienced
Security or Happiness:: both
Pool or Spa:: both, depends on the mood
Books or Internet:: internet
School or Work:: if i had a job now i'd tell ya:P
Public Transportation or Private:: both
Color or Black and White Photos:: B&W has more feeling, color is fun, agreed.
Tape or Tacks:: tacks?
Bike or Skate:: bike
Out on the town or home in PJs with a movie and food with boy/girlfriend:: out with your friends AND THEN at the end of the night pjs with a boyfriend, agreed:P
Long but unhappy life or short and fulfilled life:: short and fulfilled
Kissing in the rain or kissing infront of the fireplace:: kissing in the rain in the summer and in front of the fireplace in the winter
Be the life of the party or Skip out on the party:: being the life of the party
Is it okay for the girl to ask the guy out or not?:: i've done it once, but i hate it.
Skater shoes or Fashionable Shoes:: i like skater shoes when i'm feeling comfy or if i'm hanging out with people who are as tall or shorter than me, but i like fashionable shoes too:)
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