The tears behind my eyes, gets covered up by the smile on my face.

Sep 23, 2004 18:03

Wow... this is getting old but I keep finding myself coming back to writing in it...

School has been alright...Some parts have been difficult but I find myself not trying and caring as hard as I used to which is not good.

Me and Vince have definitly had our ups and downs. I keep finding myself thinking how different it was when we went out before. He seemed like he cared more. He actually wanted to hang out with me. More than one thing was on his mind when we hung out.. He didn't care what we did as long as he would see me and we could hang out. Coming over my house wasn't such a big deal for him, even when we did nothing but sit around with the family it seemed like he didn't mind.. He did little things that just showed he cared. And just so much more.. Now it's just so different. Yeah he's awesome and I love him but I keep thinking if there is another girl for some reason, and if there is I wish he would just tell me and get it over with rather than keep me hanging onto something he doesn't even care about himself. We've talked about how we would like each other to change but it feels like if he doesn't make any effort than I shouldn't either.. I try really hard to make him happy but it seems like it doesn't make a difference. I cry over the little things he says, does/doesn't do. I need to try my hardest to not care about that stuff and not be "such a cry baby." I also wish he cared about things I said and showed it.. eh whatever. It was very nice to get that off my chest but I know it will still bug me. Whatever, really nothing I can do about it that I haven't tried. I love him so much but I just needed to get a few things off my mind.

Off that subject.. I can't wait for this weekend:) Sunday I get to spend the wholleee day with my girls. Six Flags baby:) Yay!
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