I really need to write more often...

May 25, 2005 00:00

Since I have absolutely no time for anything constructive at the moment, here are the answers to the interview questions from jrwells :

1)What makes you laugh?

Far too much to list it all! Sarcastic humor, the idiotic things I do on a daily basis (laughing at myself keeps me sane), Saturday Night Live reruns, British humor, my college roommate quoting “Foamy’s Rant” (which she still does religiously), the Family Guy, male beauty pageants (aka: Mr. Juniata), long conversations with old friends, homestarrunner.com, and just about anything at 3 am, to name a few.

2) You are only able to watch the works of one director the rest of your life. Who do you choose, and why?

Oooh, good one. Hmmm, I think I’m going to have to go with a classic on this one. Alfred Hitchcock. That way I would get both quality and quantity. He made so many movies, but he also was a master of his craft. I never get tired of watching his movies. Rear Window, Psycho, Vertigo??? It’s no contest.

3) What do you look for in the opposite sex?

The non-physical stuff: First and foremost a good sense of humor, as long as it is accompanied by the good sense to know when humor is appropriate and when it is not. This is followed very closely by intelligence, self-confidence, independence, and a sense of adventure. Someone that doesn’t back down from a challenge. I tend to get very passionate about issues I care about and I’m willing to argue for what I believe in, I respect anyone who is willing to do the same, even if I don’t necessarily agree with what that person is saying.

The physical stuff: I look for height (taller than me, at least, which is...everyone), eyes (two of them, containing some color), and a nice smile with teeth intact (being from the PA countryside, this is a specification that needs to be made). LOL...I’m really not that wrapped up on the physical attributes, I don’t think any of the guys I’ve dated resemble each other in the slightest. Personality is far more important.

4) Would you ever participate on a reality television show? If so, which one?

NO! I hate reality television with a passion usually reserved only for the willfully ignorant and the slow, van-driving soccer moms in the fast lane of the Capital Beltway. If I HAD to participate (like if my reality TV obsessed friends signed me up for something against my will and I wasn’t able to hunt them down in time to get out of it) it would have to be a reality show on the discovery channel or the history channel or something like that, documentary style. Maybe Trading Spaces or a decorating show. Iron Chef would be funny, it I knew how to cook. I just can’t see myself ever willingly participating in something like Fear Factor, the Bachelor, or the Real World. If I was forced onto one of those shows my next appearance would be on Court TV, being tried for the assault of whoever signed me up in the first place ;-)

5) If a movie was made of your life, what kind of movie would it be and who (actor-wise) would be in it?

It would completely be a comedy. Stuff happens in my life that sitcoms couldn’t come up with. I’m thoroughly surprised I turned out as sane as I am (as are my friends, who remind me of this fact on an almost daily basis).

The actors are difficult to think of. My dad would be James C. Reilly, addicted to conspiracy theories...to the point where he thinks On Star is a government plot to track our movements. Seriously. And he would still wear polyester leisure suits from the 70s as “dress” clothing. Seriously. Albert Finney would play my Grandfather, just as he played his role in Big Fish. Julie Walters would play my grandmother like she plays Molly Weasley in the Harry Potter movies; funny, fussy, but ultimately well meaning. I can’t think of anyone who would play my mom, stepfather, or any of my siblings. I grew up with my grandparents and dad, so it’s much easier for me to envision their roles.

For me, I would choose Sarah Jessica Parker in another Carrie Bradshaw-esque role. Carrie Bradshaw is my ultra ego. My friends and I usually joke that we all fit one of the characters from SatC pretty well, so I think I'd just take the majority of that cast, make them a bit younger, give them a few more morals, a bit less drama, and put them in Central PA instead of NYC.

the girls, family, tv stuff, movie stuff, random, meme

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