a day at the races....

May 21, 2006 00:32

last night,me and brian decided to visit hamilton races so we after many different hitches managed to finally get a bus to hamilton and found our way to the races.we felt a little out of place and therefor spoke in funny accents explaining our love for the jockey who won three times..robert winston i think his name was a loverly wee irish man at the top of our voices.

much fun was had and bets made between to the two of us,then geena mckie came on did her usual crap then brought on Sadie thom,that girl that sings 
"i wish i was a punrocker". she was so good..really like a fantastic singer and sang with just bongos for one of them,really impressive.

then it was time for matt willis.

he looked amazing.he sounded amazing.damon looked amazing and chris banks the keyboard player from busted tours was his keyboard player i thought that was quite nice.

he sang Up All Night then Luxury then a song whihc im not really sure the name of i think it was Save Me From Myself Baby then Hey Kid.

save me from myself he started himself with no accompaniment and sounded fantastic and then for the rest of the song it was just "van" his guitar player who "looks like someone from the oc's older brother" accoring to matt who played along with him.

during hey kid i swear i was singing along and he looked at me and smiled...you know the smile i mean with his teeth showing.for about 3 seconds he knew i exsisted.

at the end of hey kid matt came down and stood right in front of the crowd.in case you didnt get that..matt willis was less than a metre away from me!

ive got photies and i have a video about 40 seconds long which contains mainly his dancing during the guitar solo during Up All Night which sounded fantastic.ill upload the vid for anybody who wants it later.anyway here come the photos.

lots of people appear to enjoy the fine arts of watching horses run

aye so we didnt understand the odds so made a bet among ourselves

the nerves got a bit too much for brian i think..just so you know neither of our horses won but mine did much better than brians.:P

we got candyflosssssssss

sadi thom took to the stage...

thats damon with his hood up

then my boy came on...

to begin with a wee bit too energetic for my wee camera

and my favourite one for no particular reason...

what a gorgeous boy.

well thats all folks.

what an amazing night

better get to bed i am believe it or not doing the womens 10k tomorrow.

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