I'm sitting on the couch, full of apple cider & love for my silly cat as she plays with the plastic tab from the cider jug by putting it in the shoes I wore to work, spazzing out, inhaling deeply & spazzing out again. I'm wearing an "asshole hat," the phrase Brian Orlando coined eons ago. The hat is comfy & makes me look forward to wearing my multitude of cold-weather accessories. Scarves & mittens & hats, oh my! Armwarmers? Legwarmers?? Don't mind if I do!
So, yeah. Just an update to knock the cobwebs off of this thing.
I'm back at work, which is eh. My back is way better than it was, but it still isn't great. It's nice having more to do (ie go to work( than I did while I was off, but I think I would take the trade & not work :) It doesn't help matters that a) I got paid more on disability than I am making right now & b) that people are dumb. C'est la vie, I should get used to that one huh?
I'm taking a class this semester & TAing again for 101. These two fulfill my last supporting elective & then all I have left is AVS 104 & CHM112/114. AVS 104 is a majorly hands-on farm class that is mostly upperclassmen because it's tiny & involved. I wanted to take it this semester, but the 18 seats were already full. I emailed the professor to see if I could squeak in (negative) but he assured me that it will be offered in the spring & that it will be more exciting--duh, lambing season! I'm nervous about possible sad times though. But I'll worry about that when it happens. CHM is gonna suck bawls, but I'm trying not to think about it. Must look into what online courses they accept & maybe do it that way. Hmmm. Then...then...THEN I GET MY EFFING BACHELORS DEGREE! I think I'm going to cry more than I did on my wedding day when I walk across the stage & am handed my imaginary degree. Can. Not. Wait. Cross your fingers for me, folks!
www.nickisonething.blogspot.com Is in a bit of a premature dry spell. With getting ready for out huge housewarming/quad birthday party & going back to work I got sidetracked & busy & haven't really posted anything, save for a quasi-cop out on my birthday. I have a new/old post to put up there, but D's computer is having issues & that's where the pictures & video I have to add to the post are. Hopefully I can get that up soon & then move on. Please let me know if you have any ideas for me, particularly in the "hey try/do/experience this" vein.