Jun 23, 2013 07:31
As I wait for the 50th Anniverary, and look back on the past few years, I really do miss RTD on Doctor Who. I know he was burned out by the end, and I truly hated what he did in that final Rose/Doc beach scene (though even he admitted he wrote himself into a corner there), and I know he had plot holes and went way too grandiose at times... he rarely ever missed a beat when it came to character.
And really, I don't watch for hard science. Please. I watch for character.
I like a lot of Moffat's Who, but consistency in character is where he fails. I think he knows what he wants to say characterwise, but it's like he writes character with a heavy lisp... you aren't always quite sure exactly what he's saying, even if he knows. Or perhaps timey wimey plots are more important to him than consistent character.
They aren't to me, despite me liking those plots. But even in those plots, Moffat also has plot holes and let downs in how the story is executed.
I've had fun with a lot of Moffat Who, but I really really miss the characters I saw penned by RTD and those writing under him. I think Moffat is not as hands on when it comes to others' scripts, and it shows. I've been really disappointed in the new companion (some of that probably is the cut down season size) and I liked her a lot in her first two episodes. But "modern Clara'' is written all over the place.
Okay, venting over...