(no subject)

May 26, 2008 07:54

A) I am so excited about our new house~! We have picked out paint chips and I am starting to collect Victorian/steampunk detritus to fill my office space/the guest room. IT IS GOING TO BE SO AWESOME YOU GUYS.

B) I start work with the tapestry center today. On Memorial Day, yes, I know. I chose to start today, since I've had a few weeks off--today, tomorrow, what does it matter to me? I get to work from home and basically set my own hours. This is a 100% good deal.

C) I've got my old PC and my shiny new Mac set up here on the dining room table. I feel so ridiculously techtastic with TWO computers at my command! Bwaha!

D) I am being given a bike by one of my coworkers this week! She cannot ride it anymore because of health issues and I would like a bicycle, so she is giving it to me for nothing. Now I just have to learn to ride it and I can commute from the new house to campus. Human-powered transport is free! And the bike itself is free! This is pretty amazing. I want to put saddlebags/panniers on it. I will carry a moderate amount of groceries! It will be awesome.

E) We move in three weeks!

F) My birthday is a week from today.

G) We have some serious good karma happening in our lives right now.

internship, tech, biking, house

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