(no subject)

Apr 01, 2008 20:56

My oral presentation of my thesis is currently scheduled for Wednesday, 23 April at 4:00 p.m., room details forthcoming. All five of the graduating anthropology honors students are defending their theses at the same time, starting at 3:00. I'll be second to last. So... if you want to see what I've been doing for the past year and are free then, come on by!

The thesis itself is in the refinement stage at the moment. There's so much more that I wish I could fit into the thing, but at 80 pages, I've already exceeded the estimated length. Most of it is transcripts from my interviews, but still... It's a chunky monkey. I've been surprised by how rewarding I find working on it, and it has really only been until recently, with the advent of my "I know where I am going to grad school" certainty, that I have found myself ready to get the thing over and done with. It's exciting when you feel like you really have something relatively novel to contribute to the field.

It's even got a chart in it. A chart I made all by myself~! w00t! Success at life!


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