Colonel Riley's Rant

Jul 05, 2005 10:05

Read on. It's a bit sad, but the guy doesn't lie.
Am I in America, or Have I Died and Gone to Hell?
July 02, 2005

With our Independence Day celebration of 2005 comes a time to ponder the foundation principles of our nation and where we are today vis-à-vis what the founding fathers established.

About the only visible foundation laid by our forefathers that continues to exist today are the shells that house our three branches of the federal government... the principles associated with government are but faint memories.

Our moral compass is in a virtual spin; the political process is controlled by big business, lobbies, political machine, graft, greed; our pulpits are slinking behind tax free status; our Ten Commandments, the bedrock of national development is reduced to an outdated symbol; we are killing babies by the millions; kids are killing kids; men are marrying men and women are marrying women; sexual deviants are roaming near uncontrolled; heterosexual marriage is viewed as radical and intolerant; our schools are focused on “relativism” without a stable, solid foundation; the US Courts are making laws, the US Congress is without rudder and running scared; the White House is owned by corporations, God is not welcome in public; and in effect all control by “we the people” has been lost.

The leadership in the White House, Congress and Supreme Court are at best ineffective. President Bush is shielded with so many layers of staff he doesn’t know what is going on; has anyone heard from the Speaker of the House, Dennis Hastert, R-IL, in the last year? What about Senator Frist, R-TN, majority leader in the Senate….flip flop jelly sound is heard as he tries to appease the opposition, nearly every time he speaks. In addition the leadership allows a significant number of Congressional members to be AWOL but continue to draw the enormous salary.

Now the US Supreme Court (which has transformed from legal to political) has ruled private property can be confiscated by government and given to private developers if the politicians find benefit to the tax base and citizens would have another place to shop, moor their boat, or play golf………if there was any courage in our Congress, there would be a vote scheduled to take the necessary steps to over turn the black robed tyrants decision, if not initiate impeachment action. Our current US Supreme Court is destroying our Constitution and “we the people” stand by as a flock of sheep waiting for the slaughter.

As a military man I particularly resent the destruction of our Constitution and reflect on the millions of lives lost, disabled, widows, prisoners, that have and still suffer personal and mental wounds while trying to protect our Constitution. Our military most always takes back seat to political “pork” and funding nearly every nation on earth before Congress considers (if they do) the commitments and obligations made to our warriors…..the political machine has no problem sending our sons and daughters into harms way, but forgets the cost associated and slights our warriors regularly.

Worse yet, there is a political motive behind the treasonous hue and cry to prematurely leave Iraq. Those in Congress and elsewhere that refer to our warriors in derogatory terms appear to lack fox-hole experience and seem to be totally ignorant that their rhetoric undermines our troops morale and gives aid and comfort to the enemy,

While our warriors past and present fight to protect, maintain, and secure our Constitution, the political mechanism, which includes the courts, is systematically rendering our founding fathers efforts obsolete.

No, I have not died but America has gone to hell... only through God’s grace and mercy will we survive as a free nation.

Harry Riley, COL, USA, Ret

Responses? Here's one from one of my more liberal opponents in political debate:

Yikes! I don't necessarily disagree with his opinion on government issues, but his views on society are severely tweaked.

Colonel Riley seems to think that some sort of Leave it to Beaver world is actually attainable.

Maybe he didn't know this, but its pretty safe to bet that June was hooked on valium, Ward was a peeping Tom, the Beav had ADD and Wally was going down on Eddie Haskell, who was a practicing Wiccan.

But hey, if an all American christian family with a suburban home is what it takes to get your moral compass pointing north, I say go for it. You might be in for some surprises.

And my response to him:

You guys can deride and criticize the rant all you want. You have a right to your opinions... as does the Colonel. Please respect that. He expresses thoughts similar to those of a great many people in the United States. At least half of Americans, in fact. A larger majority in the case of some issues the Colonel brings up.

It seems to me that there is a vocal minority within the United States which tends to be more liberal, but which, when they go on the Internet, find themselves to be more numerous than those they disagree with. There just aren't as many conservative "folk" that're connected right now. They're too busy working, farming, and doing other things to play around like we do.

If you respect nothing else, respect that the Colonel put himself and his future in harm's way for what he believes in. That is true commitment to one's values. His personal values include protecting your freedom to voice the opinions you do.

And at least one of you, instead of debating the matter, made mockery of him on the 4th of July, of all days. Please think about that.

Things are truly changing, and changing too quickly for us to keep up 100% with them. It used to be, you know, that our "folk" in rural areas were Democrats. Now they vote Conservatively. They didn't change... the party that used to represent them changed.
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