morallydiseased, you are a fiend!
So this one is good enough to not be cut:
Death through freak supernatural incident
You are going to die in a freak vampire/werewolf incident. I would start carrying garlic and silver bullets if I were you. There is something weird about your demeanor, and evil is attracted to you. Plus you may be a little attracted to evil too.
Take this quiz at
QuizGalaxy.comThe rest of these are cut because I'm basically just bored out of my calvarium (the part of your skull that holds your brain) here in vet school.
Take this quiz at First time, no lie.
Erika will have to write:
I will not hang around in graveyards anymore
'What will you have to write on the chalk board?' at Again, first time, no freaking lie.
Kindness is most important in a boyfriend/girlfriend. You want someone who will go through everything with you - the best moments and the worst, and all of those other moments in between. You love to be able to say anything to your partner, and have them say anything to you. You are able to be extremely close with your partner for that reason.
Take this quiz at Your hidden talent is psychic
You are able to foresee certain things, and prevent bad things from happening to yourself. It could just be a lot of common sense, but it’s probably something a little more.
Take this quiz at Yeah, tell me something I don't know.
You fit in with:
60% spiritual.
40% reason-oriented.
Your ideals are mostly spiritual, but in an individualistic way. While spirituality is very important in your life, organized religion itself may not be for you. It is best for you to seek these things on your own terms.
Take This Quiz at You will be famous for writing a national bestseller
You are very observant and tend to be the wallflower at parties. You are intuitive and know just how to communicate everything that you are feeling to those around you.
Take this quiz at Erika's Past Lives
V V V 1698 BC: Native American 61 AD: A cartographer 1656 AD: A heretic executed for claiming that the earth was round
'What were you in your past lives?' at Take this quiz at Erika Pills:
Will cause you to practice your make out skills
'What effect do you have on people?' at WTF?
Your arch-nemesis is:Lucille Ball
Why?Because they tried to kill you with some piano wire
The winner will be...You will join forces to conquer evil
You will take over West Bank using only your mastery of video games
Take this quiz at Your walk is:
Full of Determination
Take this quiz at Dear Cupid,
This year, I've had my ups and downs in the love department.
I pretended to be the ghost of Jim Morrison to sleep with Sareanna - and it worked.
I woke up with a tattoo of Candycanemocha’s name on my inner thigh.
Katethegreat81 and I hooked up at a huge party then Kadaria walked in and joined in.
So, as you can see, it's been a hectic year. Can you please make Aeowynswan fall in love with me this Valentine's day?
Take this Quiz at or, take the work-safe version at ) ROFLMFAO.
YOUR REPORT CARD: CategoryGrade LoveA+ Friends and FamilyA+ BodyB MindA Finance / CareerA Your Life's Average Grade: A
'What is your Life Grade?' at Ok, I think I'm done with that silliness now.
So, in actual news, D has recanted at the last minute. A part of me wants to say "but of course she would", but really her aunt's health has taken a turn for the better, so it's partly that she now feels she can go ahead with her previous commitments. Oh yeah, and also her job is getting really political and stressful, so she feels she needs a fresh start. In either case I can't decide if I'm more or less hurt because of this. On the one hand, she's coming after all. On the other hand she crushed my heart only to recant. *sighs* I mean, I know that the majority of the circumstances were out of her control and all.... Ah well. I just hope that through all of this she hasn't felt pressured to do anything in either direction by me. I just want her to do what is best for her.
Oh yeah, and for those of you actually geographically close enough to me to care, D flies into PDX at 11PM on the 23rd. So, after that we'll be back at Fighter Practices and such to let people meet her. Oh yeah, and to stop being hermits ourselves.
Oh, and
aeowynswan, the reason we didn't show up at FP last week is because Emili is a sickie-pants. Hopefully we'll be there next week since Emili should be better by then, and the weather is seeming warmer (for my freezing fingers).