Game Woes

Feb 09, 2010 09:06

I started a prosperity challenge in a new hood, but it's been so borky. I had some trouble with clean templates, but I eventually got the number down to sixty-something. I started a brand new neighborhood and put the residents in, but I'm already having scrambled thought bubbles and red mr. potatoheads in SImpe. I took care not to delete the ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

dhearest February 9 2010, 15:48:25 UTC
mr. potatoheads are bad? I have them in freshly made hoods and I use clean templates. What does it mean?


morkmork February 9 2010, 17:05:34 UTC
only the red kind. As much as I've searched I don't know what exactly they mean, but I think it's missing sim data. From what I understand Mr. Potatoheads that aren't in a red background are fine.


sims_by_izza February 9 2010, 16:06:59 UTC
how exactly have you been moving your sims around? if you've been extracting them in simpe and re-creating them as clones, I don't know what the issue is, but apparently if you move your sims in their house to the lots + houses bin and then plonk them down in a new hood, you create that problem... or so I understand from reading about such things at maty... *shrug*


morkmork February 9 2010, 17:11:35 UTC
They were made in cas and then moved in. They weren't moved around in houses at all. I think maybe it has something to do with not installing the templates correctly. I think either that or bad hacks. hmmmm. I really don't know. I rarely have these kind of problems.

I know
-deleteallcharacters is bad news
-moving households from neighborhood to the next is bad
-and deleting sims and tombstones will also lead to missing data

I've tried to avoid all of these things. hmmmm. Thanks for helping though. I guess I'm just going to have to create a new hood without hacks and see if the problem persists.


meetme2theriver February 9 2010, 23:04:27 UTC
If you have all EPs, it's normal to have about five "Unknowns" ("Red Mr. Potatoheads")in any given, clean neighbourhood, in addition to object NPCs like Grim Reaper, Mrs Crumplebottom, etc. These are stuff like the remote control car and other NPCs that just don't show up properly in SimPE ( ... )


morkmork February 10 2010, 03:20:05 UTC
Thanks for the well-thought out reply. I really know so little about this stuff. I've deleted all my hacks and reinstalled just ACR 2 and preg wear any outfit, so these shouldn't mess with my game too much on their own. I'm going to recreate the hood and fool around a little bit in it before playing the challenge and if things keep going south then I'll just re-install. I'm not attached to anything but the downloads folder right now anyways. I think it was either a)bad template installation or b)bad hacks after going through the compressor or just conflicting hacks in general.


needlecream February 10 2010, 20:31:27 UTC
I used the tutorial by Pooklet on Garden of Shadows:

which was very easy to follow, and gave me a nice, clean, un-borked hood.

I think you should try re-doing the clean templates again, and move the sims into a new neighborhood.


morkmork February 11 2010, 03:32:53 UTC
Thanks! That tutorial is great! I'm definitely going to give it a go again.


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