Media: Fic Title: Solar Winds (Avatar: The Last Airbender Fusion, 73/?) Rating: PG-13 for innuendo, swearing, violence. Spoilers: None for either series that I am aware of. Warnings: [WARNINGS CONTAIN SPOILERS: Click to open.] Violence, Graphic Injuries, Minor Character Death
Word Count: ~20000 Summary: When a usurper sets eyes on the Fire Nation throne, Avatar Kurt and friends find themselves on the run with the deposed Prince Blaine in a country gone mad. Can they escape Lady Sylvester’s wrath? Or will her minions snuff them out for good? Fusion fic!
Author’s Note: The warnings for this chapter have spoilers, so they’re somewhat hidden. On LJ, the warnings are behind a spoiler tag. On or AO3, they are at the last line of the chapter, and you should be able to see them without any other spoilers if you go to the bottom of the scroll bar (at least, that’s how it works in my view).
As for the chapter itself… well, it's the darkest chapter in the story so far. Let’s just say it is simultaneously better and much worse than I thought it would be. ^_^;; Enjoy?