Korra Finale Reaction.

Jun 24, 2012 08:53

Wait, is that it?  But... but... but... THERE'S SO MUCH MORE I WANT TO KNOW.

What happened to Amon/Noatak (seriously how do you spell his name) after he ran away all those years ago?  What made him decide to become Amon?  How deeply did he believe in the ideals he espoused?  What did he think of his brother being a public figure in Republic City?  How did he learn to use Bloodbending to DESTROY PEOPLE'S ABILITY TO BEND?

Like, srsly.  Noatak and Tarrlok's story was just so sad.  I would easily watch an entire miniseries chronicling their separate adventures, the different ways they rose to power, how they both started off with the best of intentions, how their father's ghost slowly turned them both into monsters before they realized what was happening... seriously, they were so interesting there at the end.  I wanted the show to develop them more.  KORRA NEEDED MORE GODDAMN EPISODES.

I think that's my main complaint about the show.  It just felt too slapped-together.  They had all these ideas, but they only had 12 episodes because Nickelodeon apparently has a crippling fear of money and success.  And then Nick was like 'lol second season' and the guys were like 'GREAT, THANKS FOR TELLING US THAT AFTER WE ALREADY FINISHED.'  It was too much, too fast.  Too much plot, not enough time.  Too many characters, not enough development.  Too many twists, not enough foreshadowing.

It just reeks of wasted potential.  One of the first things said to Korra in the opening episode was 'you've got a lot to learn, newcomer!'  So where was the actual learning about Republic City?  Where was the episode about the fast pace of city life?  Where was the episode about the seedy criminal underbelly?  Where was the episode about the price of industrialization and how hard it is for a lot of people just to get by?  The show seems to hint at these things, but it never addresses them, it never follows up.  Amon may be gone, but the sentiment that created him isn't.

There seems to be a lot of discontent in Republic City, and the finale didn't change that.  When the show started, I had bright hopes for it.  I thought it would eventually address these issues.  I was so sure everything was setting up for a big moment where Korra has to stop and think 'wait, maybe the Equalists kind of have a point.'  Where she would be forced to investigate the plights of people in the city and learn that the answer isn't always fighting.  LOL NOPE.  The answer is always fighting.  They threw away some potentially awesome social commentary and a great lesson for kids in favor of weird, last minute plot swerves.

M. Night Shaymalan has infected the main series.  'WHAT A TWIST!' indeed.

I just hope the second season actually addresses some of these issues.  :-/

Other Thoughts:

- The second season better have Asami running Future Industries like the BOSS that she is.

- Hiroshi Sato is totally Dr. Robotnik.

- I totally thought that all the gas-stuff the Equalists used was setting up for a big airbending moment.  I guess it kind of was, but I was expecting it from Korra, not Tenzin.

- Mako got awesome all of a sudden.  Seriously, he sucker-shocked Amon while being bloodbent.  I still don't really like him, but that was a BIG step in the right direction.

- Can Bolin have some character development please?

- Actually, can all the main cast?  I feel like the love triangle more or less forced all of them to be static in order to draw out the tension, which was stupid.  Now that it's resolved, can these characters actually grow and change?

Spin-Offs I would totally watch:

- Up in the Air, a domestic comedy about Tenzin's family life.

- Full Metal Justice, a crime procedural starring Lin Bei Fong and her metalbending cops as they investigate and solve crimes in Republic City.

Things I don't want to see in Season 2:

- Probending.  It took up valuable time that could have been used to develop other things and ultimately went nowhere.  It's served its purpose.  If it must be included, at least let it be background.


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