Hi Again,
I recently wrote a small piece that's Takashi-centric. It basically became his inner monologue, which I attempted to keep in-character, though that seems to be a tough one for Mori... I have my ideas of what I think he could be like, but that doesn't necessarily work for everybody...
Moving Forward is also an off-shoot of the previous two stories I wrote, which I've been having some fun with lately. If you're not troubled by it, comments are immensely welcome!
Thanks for reading!
Title: Moving Forward
Series: Oneshot, 803 words
Pairing/Character: Takashi (Haruhi)
Rating: K+
Summary: Huni stays over for breakfast, while Mori has some time to think alone.
Cross-posted to
ouran_fanfics Link to FF.net By quarter after eight, Tamaki felt he had waited long enough to invite Haruhi to partake in a lovely weekend breakfast. After being in America for only a few short weeks, the feeling of living at a tourist's pace was beginning to wear down.
Excited to begin the day, Tamaki swung open their apartments' adjoining door.
"Haru- Huni? What are you doing over here?"
"Good morning, Tamachan! Normally I wouldn't be up so early, but I just couldn't sleep in Haruchan's bed. Too many pillows, you know?"
"You... What?! You slept with Haruhi?!"
The notion had the smaller blond boy laughing, "Of course not! No! I wanted to give her and Taka some privacy, and Haruchan said she wouldn't mind if I slept over here!"
Huni's new explanation did little to alleviate all the questionable notions currently running through the host club king's head.
The day before…
Sitting beneath an enormous cherry blossom tree, Takashi closed his eyes and thought of home. He was thankful for Boston's Public Garden, and knew he would often be bringing his mental retreats here.
School would be upon them soon, and in the meantime he intended to both enjoy himself, as well as contemplate the bigger motivations that had brought him here.
The prescribed lives we lead may be rigid, but for each of us they are different. And for me, fortunate, as I am able to choose.
For the Morinozuka, the concept of discipline ranks high, and while my father's expectations will remain great, he realizes mine is not his path to decide. For all the weight on my shoulders, the burden is entirely mine. My father simply helped me to build a sturdy frame that will support whatever I choose to fill it in.
A lot of the pretenses were dropped with the marrying of Mitsukuni's and my families, but it's not so simple to erase something that is in your blood. Familial piety dies hard, especially when I choose not to take part in its erasure.
My father's pride. The labor and lives of our ancestors. To set it all down now would be to dismiss the values and traditions they lived and died for. And therein lies the heart of my decision to live as I do.
It would be a lie, though, to say that I am entirely satisfied with the way things are. Mitsukuni is my family, my most trusted friend, and at my insistence an obligation. But he has never made me whole. Nor have I ever bought into the concept of two people filling holes within one another. It would be unfair to put that kind of dependence on the one I love. And though she does not "complete" me, I do love her.
Complete me? No. To be honest, I am unsure whether or not a person can ever really be complete. If that were so, what would there be to live or strive for? If it were about completion, Kyouya would have been satisfied with having heard of Tamaki's love for him. But that is not how this works.
If it were about completion, then there would be nothing left to attempt improvement on. Real love is both harrowing and natural. It is not about completion, but about acknowledging one's self as a work-in-progress, and offering it all, regardless. Real love prompts confessions and demands action.
Which is what I choose to do for her, now.
Rising from beneath the tree, Takashi took one last inhale of his private Japan before going to seek out Fujioka Haruhi.