Naturally Wild - Update - Edited

May 18, 2008 13:42

Great news for those who have been waiting, and hopefully for those who didn't even know about this little activity.

The Mori-Haruhi fansite I have been working on is about 99% complete right now.
It is somewhat small as of right now because I did not have many people donate their icons and stories, but once I get the basic site up and running I plan to be going after people and asking for permission to put things up..

Any donations of stories, icons, graphics, etc. would be much appreciated and can be donated at any time.

I have a banner spot at the top of the page and would like to know if anyone would be willing to create one. I've seen some pretty amazing photoshops done by you guys so I'm opening up the opportunity to contribute here as well.

The possible stats for the banner/header are WIDTH="573" HEIGHT="78" or smaller.
The background color of the site is "#9DC5E8".

The headers made so far:

by: leafie_phoenix

by: itsabell_chan

naturally wild

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