What's the first rule of Fight Club?

Aug 07, 2008 15:08

 So last night, I went to sleep at midnight. Early for me. All night I went through a horrible, horrible nightmare. It was sad, it was horrifying, it was weird. Everything. And it involved just about everyone I've ever met or wish to meet in it. And Heroes. And school. And Big Brother.

I woke up at 7am and I was still tired, so I went back to sleep and the nightmare continued. Then I woke up at around 10 and rolled over and the nightmare just went on, and on, and on. So then I woke up at 2ish and sat in bed for a while. I was still really tired, but I couldn't go back to the dream I had. It was the only dream in my whole life that I had ever had that was continuous.

Agh. I never have nightmares. I hate it when I do.  But who really enjoys nightmares?

My dad's watching Fight Club. And I don't have my iPod on. Because this is a realllllly good movie. This is the one time I'm happy that my dad's out here. Because he watches movies like Fight Club. My dad surprisingly likes good movies. I don't expect him to. But he does.

Hm...what to talk about? I don't know.

HEY. My dad just paused Fight Club. Damn him. He's walking away...where's he going? Is he leaving? If he is, I'm unpausing his movie. No. He's back. Stupid dad.

Dan likes Fight Club. And he, Renny, and Ollie quote it when they're swimming. Which amuses me to no end. I don't know why I threw that in, but I did.

I like Edward Norton. So does my dad. Which is weird. He likes Edward Norton and Gary Oldman. I think he likes Morgan Freeman too. Yes. He does. I just asked him. Huh. Every one of those actors have been in at least one superhero movie.

Did you all enjoy my story that I wrote the other day? My friends read it. They thought it was quite funny. Which is good. Everyone seems to want me to write a sequal...I don't think that's gonna happen. But I dunno. If I get bored, then I might write something else about King Adam and his antics.

I need to write a fic.

A good fic.

Because I haven't written one in a while. Well, I haven't written one worth anything in a while. There are a bunch of documents sitting on my computer. A bunchhhh. There's one past-Wayne decided to call "bjkfh". I guess I was feeling lazy. There's also one called "Document" and another called "Document3" and another called "mimiroger" and another that I decided to call "lalalalaMAUREEN". I don't know where I come up with thes doc labels.

I really have nothing to talk about. I wish I did. But I don't. This is quite saddening. Not really. When do I ever have something to talk about?

I think I'm gonna end this now. Okay. Bye then.

fight club, dan, school, big brother, sleep, renny

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