I'm so bad with titles these days!

Jul 31, 2008 18:32

*waves* Hi!

So it's been another few days. I've been bad with posting lately. And I've also been bad with going on FanNet lately. Which has nothing to do with posting, but yeah. I've just been BAD. You should give me a time out, reader.

I don't even know why I'm posting now. I have nothing to talk about.

I had something to talk about last night, but I was really, really, really tired and fell asleep and I totally forgot what I wanted to say this morning.

Hey, by the way, Adam and Anthony are gonna be on Good Morning America tomorrow morning! Watch it. I don't know if they're performing, but they're gonna be on. They're MOST LIKELY talking about the tour.

Oooh we all get to see bearded Anthony on tv. Lucky us.

I hate that beard so much.

Tracie is officially Joanne! She has been for a few days, but I haven't POSTED in a few days, so yeah. GO TRACIE!

Big Brother comes on in half an hour. I think. Yeah. They changed eviction night to Thursday right? Yeah. I thinkkkkkkkk so. Ew, I heard tonight's supposed to be an Endurance Comp. I hate Endurance. I don't understand why so many people love them. Like, I like knowing who's HoH that night. Well, I could find out in the morning if I check a Big Brother website. But I don't know if I wanna know. GAH. If only I got Showtime 2 at my house. But then again, After Dark doesn't even start until midnight. Grr. I really hope tonight's not Endurance.

Ooh, I think tonight America's Player gets announced! I wonder who America voted for? I hope its Dan or Ollie. One of them. Someone who I actually like. I mean, those aren't the only two people I like, but either one of them and I'll be fine.

Haha. I just found out Jessie is the least favorite member of the Big Brother house this season so far. According to some website. Haha.

Hey, did anyone know Chelsia (BB9) and Joe (BB8) like Dan? They're like friends now and they watch the show together and they did an interview with some chick and gave their opinions on people. They both like Dan. I like Dan. But I don't like either of them very much. ANYWAY.

Oh guess what! Gerard starts as Moritz in Spring Awakening very soon! YES! I've been waiting for this to happen for a while. YAY. I'm so proud of him. I love him so very much. Other then Johnny, his Moritz is by far my favorite. Even though I've only heard him sing Don't Do Sadness and some of The Bitch of Living. BUTSOWHAT. I heart Gerard. Very much. And Emma Hunton's Ilse right now. And HELLO. She's amazing. I like her better then Lauren. But that's only because Lauren makes me mad sometimes. I still love her! But I love Emma's Ilse more :] And Gerard and Emma sound all KABLAM together. Most likely I'm not gonna get to see him, but WHO KNOWS. My parents might let me.

Didn't Kablam used to be a Nickeldeon thing? Like, a while ago? Didn't it used to come on like every Saturday or something like that? I dunno. I like the word Kablam. I think I liked Kablam or whatever it's called on Nickelodeon too. Nickeldeonnnn. Nick nick nick ni ni ni nick nick Nickeldeon...

ANYWAY. 2 minutes till Big Brother.

I might post after it. But I might not. So yeah. It's a MYSTERY.


dan, big brother, spring awakening, gerard canonico, tracie thoms, adam pascal, rent, anthony rapp, johnny gallagher

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