I'm Bad at Titling Things

Jul 21, 2008 18:08


I haven't posted in a whole day? Wow. That's a whole twenty-four hours you didn't get to hear me complain about my life or ramble about pointless stuff no one cares about except me.

You must have just died.

Never fear though, I am back.

So. What was I doing yesterday that was so important that I couldn't jump on a computer and blog to my favorite readers? Well, honestly, I don't have an excuse. I was just lazy. I didn't go to sleep until around...seven-thirty (AM) and slept until three-ish (predictably) and then I sat around in bed and watched Brokeback Mountain and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Big Brother then watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory again and then put Big Brother on again and then put Brokeback Mountain back on. So it was basically a continuous loop of the same things over and over again.

Whatever. I'm a hermit with no life.

Oh, hey, Dan got nominated last night! (If you watch Big Brother, you know what I'm talking about) Nooooooo...! I love Dan! He's so awesome! He's so un-Catholic School teacher. I love him. I hope he doesn't go home.

Hm. I'm being scolded for not coming on the computer. Well, I'm on now...

...Laura Bell left legally Blonde yesterday. WHY DOES EVERYTHING HAPPEN AT ONCE? [title of show] opened Friday, the last of the Spring Awakening OBC left Saturday and Laura Bell left Legally Blonde yesterday and the Hair concert starts tomorrow! IT'S LIKE THEY PLAN THESE THINGS SO I CAN'T POSSIBLY GET TO THEM!

My phone's ringing. It's my frienddddddddddd. I don't wanna answer it. I'm tireddddddd. Ring. Ring. Ring. WHY THE FUCK ARE PHONES SO FREAKING OBNOXIOUS? They must make my head pound. And pound. And the tv seems extra loud today. Noises should end. I should just get off the computer. And I'm going to. After I post this.

Did you know that Andy Karl (Kyle, Awesome Rapping Dude) left with Laura Bell? :[ I just found that out like a second ago. I was looking at pictures from her last night. Poor Laura! She was crying a lot. Aw. I wanna give her a hug. Look, she looks so sad...

While we're being sad, I'll throw in some really cute pictures from the [title of show] opening night...

They make you happy! :D They all looked so good! Lin looked awesome :D He's their best friend. Hahaha, what's with Anthony? He's got a beard and a ladybug on his shirt. I thought he liked stars? Is he over that and started on ladybugs? I dunno. I hate the beard. He's gonna have to shave it off when he and Adam go on the tour. Because Mark Cohen isn't bearded.

Hm. What else do I have to say? I'm really tired. But I feel like I'm denying you guys a post. Not like you care, but I feel like I'm cheating you out of a blog.

What did I do today? Hung out with my cousin and my uncle.


I wanna write something pretty bad. Right now. What should I write? Anyone wanna give me a prompt or something? I should be able to come up with ideas on my own. But I have writers block. Bad.

Oh! My mom and I had a really long talk today. Like, we actually talked. When we were going home, we were talking to eachother about Big Brother, and shows that we wanna see on Broadway, and Dark Knight, and Heath, and The View, and my friends, and Wicked, and the Hair concert and just...everything. It was nice. I love my mom. I really do. I like when we talk like that. We talked about college too. She wants me to go, but said she wouldn't get mad if I didn't. Like, our conversation was basically:

Her: You wanna write? You should go to college.
Me: But you can be successful without college. John Gallagher didn't even finish high school and look at him. He's a got a Tony, and's a great actor.
Her: You're finishing high school. That much you have to do.
Me: Yeah, I know. Hey, you know, Anthony Rapp didn't finish college. Look at him. He wrote a book.
Her: Right. And he's an actor.
Me: Yeah, and he's on Broadway, and he's a director, and he sings. You can do something good with your life without going to college.
Her: Do you really not want to go to college?
Me: I really don't know yet. You'll love me even if I don't go to college?
Her: I'd love you no matter what.

I don't wanna tell her yet that I don't wanna go. I just wanna write. That's what I wanna do. I don't know what I'll do. But I wanna write. I need to write. I've wanted to write since I was like six. I've never changed what I wanna do. Ever. I've thought about acting. That'd be fun. I've thought about other stuff too. But all roads lead to writing, you know?

Anyway. Now I'm talking about stuff I wasn't planning on talking about. I think I'll end this here. I'm pretty tired.

Oh, hey Prongs? Truly, truly, truly: Thanks for the cd. I know you gave it to me forever-ago, but I love it.

Later days.

lin-manuel miranda, dan, big brother, [title of show], spring awakening, mom, wicked, brokeback mountain, anthony rapp, johnny gallagher

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