(no subject)

Oct 17, 2009 14:49

After leaving like, a BOOK on my feelings about Glee on someone's post, I figured I needed to come here and discuss my own feelings, because one: I get too into things, and two: I have very strong opinions about very silly things.

Tears. And hearts. At the same time. I'm not even going to get into how much I love Kurt. And Chris, who is such a wonderful actor. Everything he does, it's so perfect and adorable. And Kurt's never allowed to be sad again, because I may die. Ha, look at me "not getting into how much I love Kurt". I'm a fail.

MOVING ON. I am not ashamed to say that the first time I watched thid I cried, because YOU KNOW YOU DID TOO. I was not aware that Avril Lavigne songs had that kind of power over me, but this show makes me realize so many things! Also, I may or may not be listening to "Keep Holding On" as I write this. You can make you own decision on that one.

So. Okay. Do you KNOW how in love I am with Puck? You DON'T unless you're theghettoflower, but I LOVE him. Mark Salling, let's get married. His voice, is just. GUH. ♥ Love. And then there's the character who I want to hug, because Mark's acting is so GOOD. His looks of angst during "Keep Holding On" could have possibly become over the top or fake looking, but he put them in all the right places, and you could see him over Lea's shoulder sometimes being so SAD.

Okay. Now. Onto the negatives and my strange, strong opinions. Beware my weirdness, please.

1) The ships that they want me to like. Just not working for me. I don't like Rachel/Finn, really, and I don't like Quinn/Puck at ALL. I don't really want Quinn and Finn to break up. Is it wrong that I kind of like them together? Probably. Also, from what I hear, Puck/Rachel is happening in the next episode. ...no. I can already FEEL myself not liking that. Maybe I'll be surprised, but the idea of it doesn't please me. You know, I really need to stop being so picky. It's a problem.

2) I don't enjoy the pregnancy thing. Not a bit. I just wonder how that's going to play out? Something like that so early in the show could either go over alright, or it could be crap. And that story is somehow forcing it's way into my life too! Like a week ago, I dreamt that the cast of Hair was going through something like that. Caissie Levy was pregnant, and she was dating Will, but she'd slept with Kobes, and I guess that made Kobes Puck and ugh, it was just so WEIRD. I was in Caissie's head, and she was FREAKING out, and it was the saddest thing and I woke up really upset because I felt like it had happened to me.

Wow. Not that that has anything to do with what I'm talking about, because that's not really Glee's fault, I just. I don't know. I have problems.

3) More Kurt, more Puck, more Artie, and more Tina. Because I love them all, and I don't like that they had Kurt's coming out story for like two episodes and then they stuck him in the back again. SADNESS. That's not a complaint, I'm just hoping it happens soon.

...okay, you know, I really am in love with this show, and I feel kind of horrible for being so critical about it. I feel like I'm dissing~ a friend. Guys, Glee is wonderful, and I couldn't possibly love it ANY MORE. Apparently, I just need to find something wrong with everything. I should be a critic. Alright, now you tell me your thoughts on everything, flist.

Anyway. In real life news:

1) All my buds and I were finally together last night, and we watched Hair, or some of it, and made fun of how RIDICULOUS it is. Whenever you need a laugh, I think that movie is just the perfect thing to watch. A lot of hilarious things happened that I don't think could be put down on here. Some things just can't be written. (or typed?)

2) Last weekend, I also got a new laptop. My old one fell apart Thursday night, and my mom was determined to get me a new one. So she did. I like it. It's much bigger then my other one, and I'm still trying to figure out if I like that or not. But it's very nice, even if some of the things on it confuse me. That's okay.

3) Evel Jic, Jess, Amanda and I are forming our own little Tribe on Halloween. It's going to be awesome, and Evel Jic found a Woof vest that is so BADASS and I'm going to get a picture one of these days and show you.

Okay. I'm finally done. Bye, friends!

jess, amanda, mark salling, glee, hair, evel jic, chris colfer, laptop

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