(no subject)

Sep 16, 2009 16:08

Since I don't have the pictures yet, and you can't do a post about Broadway on Broadway without the pictures, you're going to have to wait for that. I know, you're all devestated. Sorry.

At the moment, I'm posting because I'm BORED, and because I'm trying to avoid doing homework for as long as I can. Which is probably not the smartest idea, but I've never called myself the smartest person, so there we go. That's my reasoning. It probably doesn't make sense to anyone because it doesn't even make sense to me.

I'm in a very rambly mood today, can you tell? I feel like I could just go off on a long tangent about nothing. Maybe I just feel like talking. I totally heard that being read in Gavin Creel's voice. Is that weird? Lately, people's voices have been reading things for me. Today, Tveit was reading me Algebra problems. Oh my life. Oh the musical. It never ends.

Guess what you guys! I'm going to see Hair in November! With all my buddies! I'M SO EXCITED, OH MY GOD. Pray for me that no one leaves until after I go please, please, please. But. Even if anyone does, it'll be fantastic because it's Hair we're talking about here, I mean really.

Have a survey because I felt like talking! This post is very all over the place and strange. But I don't care. Maybe I amused someone. If not, I amused myself.

1. Tell the story of your coolest scar.
I don't have any cool scars actually. So let me tell you about Evel Jic's cool scar, because I was there when she got it. So, I had just gotten to her house, and she was on the computer. I'm pretty sure it was the night she was introducing me to Freestyle Love Supreme. That's irrelevant though, they have nothing to do with her scar. Could you imagine? Like, Lin and Two Touch come out of no where and ambush her while Shockwave beatboxes and Chris sings and Bill looks annoyed? Yeah. Well, anyway, enough of that. This is much longer then I'm intending it to be.

Back on track. Okay, so she was at the computer, and we went to go get a chair for me to sit in so I could be at the computer with her. And we went to Jess's room, because hers had a chair. And she was sleeping, and like, grrrr don't turn on the light. So Evel Jic grabs the chair and SOMETHING happens and she drops it on her foot. And there was this whole big thing where it bled a lot, and Mel made a butterfly out of it, and we called her Claire, and discussed how it looked like an eye. And now it's still there. Yep.

2. Have you ever fancied a cartoon?
You said fancied. And no. Or maybe yes. I have no idea. I don't currently. Maybe that'll change though. With the right cartoon. ;D Oh ho. Just kidding.

3. What are you reading right now?
I'm really bad. The only thing I'm reading right now is something for school. :|

4. Guilty pleasure?
Uhhh. I don't know what you'd call a guilty pleasure. The things I love I do not have any GUILT about. I guess I like "Single Ladies". But who doesn't, come on now. Ooh, wait. STAAAAMOS, he's a big one.

5. What are you listening to right now?
The Flesh Failures from the Hair NBCR. Stuck in my head all. Damn. Day. I guess this is Gavin day or something. For me at least.

6. Who is your celebrity crush?
Do you have an hour?

7. What is your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
Glee! Annnnnd Hair, and Lin's character on House, oh my god. And...Gavin Creel's voice. And this video's a good one.

8. Are you doing anything else simultaneously with this meme?
I have like fifty tabs open right now. Oy. My computer, it's going to crash one day, I know it.

9. What food could you eat every day for weeks and not get sick of it?
Chicken. Chicken is wonderful tasting.

10. What websites do you always visit when you go online?
Yahoo, LiveJournal, YouTube, Broadway.com usually. Sometimes I forget to go on it.

11. What are you going to do next year?
Epic shit, I assure you.

12. What is a funny thing that happened to you today?
Me and Amanda at lunch. I don't even know. It was just really funny, and I can't remember why. I remember someone going, "You two are so funny together!" and Evan's girlfriend pointing to me and saying, "I like this one." Iiiiii dunno.

13. Does the weather effect your mood?
I don't know. Sometimes when it's raining, and I'm not doing anything, I get kind of sad. But generally, I like rain. When it's really hot, I complain. And when it's really cold, I'm pretty happy.

14. What is your favorite type of cheese?
Ew. I don't like cheese.

15. Do you want to learn another language?
Not particularly. I'm good with what I know.

16. 5 Things You Can't Live Without:
Water. Brrrrrrroadway. Stupid people. My mommy. Evel Jic.

17. If you could meet anyone now, who would you meet?
Right this second? I'd love to meet Andrew Kober. If he just strolled into my room, I'd be okay with this.Or Ellen, because she's making me want to dance. We could dance together.

18. What's something you'd like to say to someone right now?
Do my homework for me ):

19. What are you looking forward to?
SO MANY THINGS, OKAY. The end of this week, Glee tonight, Lin on House, Bye, Bye Birdie, Hair, and I know there's more, but I can't seem to think of any of them at the moment. Oh well.

20. Do you like waffles?
It has been quite a while since I've had one! I assume that I would still like them. If they haven't, you know, changed at all.

gavin creel, homework, pointless post, hair, survey

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