Dark Knight, Mamma Mia, Some Icons, and the Depressing Departure

Jul 19, 2008 18:18

Ah. There's a lot going on in this post!

So today I went to see Dark Knight and Mamma Mia with James, Jess, Mel, and Miss Reenie. Yeah, Neek was supposed to come but he like left...he's going on vacation next Friday. BYE NEEK! Even if you DON'T read my posts. That's okay.

Okay, so Dark Knight.

Amazing. It was great. Very very very long, but fantastic. Jesus Christ, Heath Ledger is honestly the best thing about the whole movie. His Joker was absolutely brilliant. And Gary Oldman was great, by the way (: And Christian Bale was really good too. Except his Batman voice. Yeah yeah, say whatever you want, it was weirding me out. He was awesome! But I hate the voice. LOVED him. HATED the voice. But yeah, anyway, back to Heath. He was...wow. And like, when I saw him, it was like YAY HEATH! But then it's like Oh my god, Heath's dead. So it was a very bittersweet moment when he first came on. But yeah, he looked spectacular, and brought something totally new to the Joker. His is my favorite so far. He had the laugh. The laugh was great. And he was funny and had a lot of charisma. Perfect for the role.

Other then Heath though, the movie was awesome. Great cast. A lot of great actors. I don't really know what else to say without giving it away. Just go see it. It's awesome. But make sure you have the attention span. I'm not gonna lie to you: It's a longggggggg movie. It seems longer then it actually is though.

So after we saw Dark Knight, we ran into Mamma Mia, because they kind of overlapped eachother. We missed a few seconds of the beginning.

So...Mamma Mia.

Oh Jesus Christ. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I hated it. I tried to like it! That's why I went! Because we were gonna try and like it. But no. it was pretty bad. Miss Reenie loved it. She wants the soundtrack, she said it was great...

Me, James, and Mel were making fun of it the whole time.

God. They were so spazzy and such freaks! They were all so weird. I didn't like it at all. There were a lot of old people there though. Like, everyone in there was 800 years old. We sat in the first row. But yeah, anyway, it was such a random movie! Me and James were sitting there mouthing the words and mocking their weird dances. OH. The dancing! I don't even know what was up with it! And me and Mel were sitting there making fun of all the characters and actors and stuff. I think Jess liked it. Our only source of entertainment was this little girl walking past us like five million times. She was like doing laps around the theater. Every, like, twenty minutes she would show up! She did it like three times. And we just sat there and stared at her. When we saw here for the hundredth time, the four of us were like "Okay, what is the child doing?" And Mel's like, next time she passes lets follow her. And James is like "God, next time she comes I'm gonna stand up and walk right behind her." And Mel goes "I dare you to." And I'm like "You should pull your hood up and stomp and stuff." And James is like "Yeah, right? So her parents come up to me after and be like "...were you following out kid around?" And I'm like "Then turn around and pull down your hood and be like "Why so serious?""

The kid never came back...

I swear, she heard us and was afraid of getting stalked.

Hahaha yeah, me and James pulled up our hoods and were like "Batman!" Because we're freaks like that (:

Now. Onto my third matter of this post: Skylar, Brian, Remy, Lilli, and Phoebe's last night in Spring Awakening.

I had an awesome time today. I really did. It definitely was better then sitting at home angsting about it. But still...it makes me sad. I'm really gonna miss them. I just can't believe it came and went like another day, you know? Like, I know it wasn't gonna be like a huge thing where the whole world was like sobbing, but it just came. And it went. And it's already 10pm. The last show's over. Dude.

I don't know if I really want to talk about it...Okay, yeah, I don't. So yeah. I'm not really gonna talk about it.

I'll just post some AWESOME ICONS I JUST MADE! Actually they really suck. I like the other ones I made better. But its muchhhh easier to find pictures of Jon, Johnny, and Lea, then it is to find of Skylar, Brian, Remy, Lilli, and Phoebe. That kind of bothers me. People are like, obsessed with Phoebe, but there aren't many decent pictures of her. Anyway. On with the crappy icons. Most are of Skylar...and NO that's NOT because he's my favorite. It's because he has the most pictures taken of him that I could find within a small amount of time.

The one with Remy isn't good at all. It's so plain and I hate it. So are the ones with Lilli and Brian. Ew. Even the ones I edited suck. I wanted to get one with Phoebe alone, but I'm lazy. I also have one with the full OBC. And I have two of Jon, Johnny, and Lea, just because it was a great picture. Ugh, but seriously, my editing is so bad on these. I hate them. I kinda like 4 and 8. That's about it. But I don't know. I guess they're okay. Even if my editing sucks.

Enjoy the icons!


(You know the deal. Credit if you use, friend if you like what you see, and comments are always nice :D)

Yeahhhh...They're all pretty bad. Anyway...I love you Skylar, Brian, Remy, Lilli and Phoebe. And I really hope you go on to do awesome things (: Hope you had a great last night.

Happy July 19th, eh?


jess, neek, jon groff, icons, spring awakening, lea michele, skylar astin, johnny gallagher, lilli cooper, mel, brian charles johnson

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