(no subject)

Jun 12, 2009 20:14

I have a question for you, LiveJournal. Have you ever seen Romeo + Juliet? That remake of Romeo and Juliet with Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes? Yeah, we've been watching it in school and I've discovered something.

Alright, so in West Side Story, everyone says "Oh, Tony's such a wimp, blah blah blah." Well you wanna know something? Romeo's a wimp too! He's like worse then Tony! Or maybe it's just the way Leo played him. I don't know. But in this movie, I just want to punch him, he's such a loser. And he doesn't even sing, so there's no reason for me to like him! I mean, I don't like Tony all that much either, but. WHATEVER. Just wanted to share, because you guys clearly need to know everything about my life.
In other news: My birthday's on Monday, school ends on Thursday, and I passed two of my finals. Yay. :D

But right now I have a meme to do, so here we go.

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me".
2. I will respond by asking you ANY five questions of a very intimate and creepily personal nature. Or not so creepy/personal.
3. You WILL update your LJ with the answers to these questions.
4. You'll include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in this post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, ask them five questions.

The lovely and talented theghettoflower  interviewed me. So here we go.

1. What is your favorite lyric at the moment?
Well I am honestly not sure of the answer to this. Because there are a lot of lyrics that I love. And there are a lot of lyrics that get stuck in my head very often. And there are a lot of lyrics that are sung really pretty, so it makes me love them more then I probably should. Like the way Jenn sings "You've got some nerve, Henry, and I'm just all nerves." is really pretty. And I'm kind of obsessed with the way she sings it, but the line itself isn't very WHOA, THAT'S A FANTASTIC LYRIC RIGHT THERE. But I should totally just pick something from "Manchester, England" just to BOTHER you, but I won't. There are so fucking many that I can't pick. I'm not good at picking favorites. But I can try.

Alright...so ever since I heard it, I've been in love with: "And some days I think I'm dying/But I'm really only trying to get through". It's definitely one of my favorite lyrics, but I don't know if it's my favorite. But it's up there? I don't know. Maybe I'll come up with it a little later, but for now that's my answer.

2. If a terrible virus were to attack your laptop and destroy every one of the pictures you have saved, and you could only rescue ONE, which would it be? POST IT !
Well, it'd definitely have to be something that I couldn't go online and find again, because that'd just be easy and I wouldn't even have to worry about it. This was very hard to pick, but I did it. The reason I decided to keep this particular one was because of the story behind it. The many stories behind it, really. And because of Seth jumping. So here it is:

3. If you were to write a musical, what would it be about?
Oh god, I don't even know. I honestly have no clue. It wouldn't be a good musical, I know that. Is that enough of an answer? I don't know. I've never really seriously thought about writing a musical. There've been jokes about it, but never serious things. But that's not really what the question's asking, is it? Gah. Um. Something cool. Something real. Something new, definitely. It wouldn't be based off a book or a movie, or anything like that. And it wouldn't have green witches, or green ogres, or anything green, really. Maybe a shirt. A green shirt. But I'm not that fond of the color green, so maybe not. Now I'm talking about the color green, which isn't what the question asked for either. God. Um. Hm. I still don't know. I'm obviously not good at answering your questions, Miss Ghetto Flower.

4. What word in the English language is most fun to say?
Oh my god, I have no clue! I doubt I've said every word in the English language! And I don't think really think words are fun to say. I think it depends on the way you say them. A lot of boring words could be fun if you say them in a fun way. There are a bunch of words that're fun to say. And my idea of the most fun word to say is definitely different from your idea of the most fun word to say, because I don't really have a huge vocabulary. But...I don't know. I don't think I have just one word. I like the way the word "guffaw" sounds when you say it out loud. And the word "monotonous". And "sporadic". But I'm sure all of you could think of words that are way more fun to say then those. My brain never works when I'm asked questions like this. :|

5. Which original Broadway cast is your favorite, and why?
This is also a tough question. There're so many that I love. I remember a time when I would've said RENT with NO hestitation. (FUN WORD!) Because they kind of started everything. But I don't know if they're my favorite anymore. I love a bunch of different casts for a bunch of different reasons. I love the In The Heights cast. I love every single one of them, and their friendships are so much fun. I love the Next to Normal casts for a bunch of different reasons. I love the Spring Awakening cast for a bunch of reasons as well. I love a million different casts! I don't know what my favorite Broadway cast is, really.

meme, school

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