There've been a bunch of posts about them on my friendslist, so I'm not gonna do another one, but congratulations to Next to Normal! ELEVEN NOMINATIONS, HELL. YES. And to one Ms. Karen Olivo (: We all know she's gonna win, so this is very exciting. She and Alice together make Team Fierce. Woo. AND AND AND yay for Hunter! (': I'm so proud of him and [title of show]. I'm glad they got their nomination. And they got the perfect one, too. Good for them. I can't even imagine what Hunter must be feeling. Annnnnnnnnnd yay Raul! And to Gavin and Brian and Sutton and agjhasf EVERYONE, JUST EVERYONE. I'm happy with the nominations, even though I've already heard so much shit about it. Whatever.
The only thing is: Um, what the fuck, world? Why was Aaron not nominated? I don't know, I'm not gonna get into it, I've already discussed this a few times today, so everything I have to say about it has already been heard. Oh well. I am happy for Jenn though. Even if I am rooting moreso for Karen.
Annnnd I just deleted a few icons and got some new ones, and a new layout. Nothing too special, I just get bored with stuff easily. And a buncha people on my flist started getting new icons and changing their stuff around and whatnot, which made me realize I wanted to do so too.
Ummmm. What else what else what else.
I don't know. The Tony nominations totally brightened up an otherwise shitty day. That's about all. My life is not eventful. Okay. I will leave you with this:
Lin and Cynthia Nixon look strange together, Evel Jic and I agreed on earlier. But come on. Look at how adorable Lin is. Seriously.
Alright. I'm off.