
Mar 20, 2009 16:43

-Has anyone seen this totally fucked up weather? First day of spring and it's snowing? No, snow, go away, I'm done with you. I don't want you anymore. You should've snowed during the goddamn winter when I actually wanted you. None of it stuck, so that's good. But I think it's raining right now. I don't know. My blinds are closed, and I'm in the dark. But yeah, it was rather cold today. Pssh. Happy spring.

-My mom's bothering me :P She ruined my semi-okay mood.

-In other, happier, none weather or parent related news: I watched Milk with yesterday! It was sososososo fantastic. So fantastic that I'm making ALL of you go watch it now. Yes, making you all. That means, you're all going to minimize this post, and watch it. I can wait.

-Look, I even got two icons! I'm using one of them now. Yep.

-I'm beginning to love Matt Canevaugh. I don't even know, he's a huge dork, but very adorable. There's this video where he gives a tour of backstage at West Side Story, and he's all cute. He's holding a cup of tea, and talking to the Shark girls, and I think I love him now. And he may make me like Tony. Who I've never particularly liked before. But he's making him look so appealing.

-This week kicked my ass. I don't even know, I was absent on Wednesday, but it still felt like forever for it to end. And I had a lot of work. And failed quite a few tests. Next week will be a new start.

-So earlier, I was tagged by the lovely oatmeal_cookie to do a meme. So I'll do that later on. I've never been tagged before! I'm so excited!

-I'm a dork.

-I NEED A LIFE, this is another pointless post.

milk, pointless post, west side story, rambling

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