[title of post]

Jul 12, 2008 21:03

Writing should feel easy. Like a monkey driving a speedboat.

[title of show] motivates me :]

10th entry. Wow. And at least one comment on every one. That's crazy. I'm just surprised people actually read my stuff. But I won't get into that...

I have to post a chapter for me and
thenamesjames's fic on FanFiction.Net. I have most of it typed, but it sucks and I hate it very much. But it is my duty as an author to post it. God, it's horrible, though.

I had been typing it earlier, but then I got distracted by watching Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. And then I got even more distracted by going and searching for Half Blood Prince pictures. And then, if possible, I got so distracted that I completely forgot what I was doing. Because I realized I was looking for Half Blood Prince pictures. And it reminded me that I have to get my blood taken on Tuesday. I hate needles. Ugh. I hate needles. And depression. And sleeping problems.

But a good thing is that Big Brother comes on TOMORROW. TOMORROW! BIG BROTHER 10! 10! It's the best show ever! Don't deny.

Hm. I wish someone would ask me what I was thinking. Because I'd like to share this with someone. Hey! I'll tell you! Okay, so when I was watching OotP, I was thinking that if Snape met Dr. Cox from Scrubs, they'd be friends. Because they kind of remind me of eachother. I don't know. I have weird thoughts.

So I still have AAIsuckychapter - WordPad down at the bottom of the screen. On the little bar thingy. So yeah. It's partly typed up. And I have to change a few things. Like the whole chapter. And by "have to change" I mean "I would like to change stuff, but I'm not gonna because I have no inspiration or time." Actually, I do have time. I have a lot of time. It's only...what? Around 8pm. I just said I would post it today. So technically I don't have to have it posted until 11:59. But I'm bothering myself with not having it posted. And I'm bothering my dear, dear co-author. So I'll have it posted before then. So I'm not gonna edit anything. But yeah. I could.

I have to work on this. I should really start. But it's boring. I hate typing things from notebooks. I like just sitting at a computer and writing things then. It's so boring. Or maybe I just get distracted easily. Actually. I'm almost positive it's the latter.

Eh. I'll finish it soon.

I wonder what I'm gonna call this chapter. I'm not good with titles. At all. My titles ALWAYS suck. Haha. I think I might call it Title of Chapter. Because I'm clever and witty like that. Because I can't think of a title. And I'm listening to [title of show].

No, I don't know.

That's my last resort.

Hey, look at my icon! It's Luna! :D I'm looking forward to HBP. The book was great. I don't know what it was about it, but I loved the 6th one. A lot. And Harry/Ginny makes me smile. A lot. But only when Jo writes it. Or when Dan and Bonnie do it. Well. Hopefully. Hopefully they'll do it right. I saw some pictures of them like hugging and that was cute. So yeah. But I'm gonna wait and see.

My dad is watching an obnoxious movie. Like the fish in Finding Nemo. It's like making a lot of noise. And its like EXPLOSIONKABOOMLETSBUGPADFOOTWUHPAHHHHHHHHH! Just like that.

Anyway. I think that's it? Yeah. I have a chapter to finish typing. And Prongs, if you're reading this, it'll be posted soon, promise. 

big brother, [title of show], harry potter

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