dreams, football, and more.

Feb 01, 2009 10:37

I just woke up from one of the strangest dreams ever, and the thing is, it wasn't even all that strange. It was just like...normal. And that's why it was so weird. But yeah, I had a totally normal dream. Maybe it's the teeth, or maybe it's because I fell asleep watching Across the Universe, but something out there made me have a normal dream.

I rarely have normal dreams. I also rarely remember my dreams. So maybe it is the teeth.

Speaking of which, I'm feeling loads better after sleeping, but it's still weird not having those two teeth there. I didn't eat at all yesterday, except for when I TRIED to eat pizza, but that didn't work out well AT ALL.
So yes, I'm going to eat today. Very cool.

I think today's the superbowl. Tom was trying to get me pumped for it on Friday, but I told him that I had no interest in football and he was absolutely BEWILDERED. What a straight guy. He told me I had to watch it because he was going to test me on it on Monday. I really don't care, like at all, so I'm not watching it. I can find other ways to occupy my time today. I think my parents are leaving, so that's pretty cool. Is today even the superbowl? I know my teacher told us to watch the superbowl this weekend, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't yesterday, so it's gotta be today, right? Oh, LiveJournal. How much do I suck at life? I don't even know the day of the superbowl. I need help.

It's still early, so I have...nothing to talk about. Oh well.

I think that's it.

Later days.

tom, sleep

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