yes, this is my third post, deal.

Jan 10, 2009 19:45

You know how when I posted for the first time today at...11:20 A.M., I had this whole plan for my day? Yeah. That didn't happen. So my ORIGINAL plan was to watch the end of season 2 of How I Met Your Mother, read, and start season 3 of How I Met Your Mother. But here's what I really did: I showered, I read Robin De Jesus interviews, I YouTubed around, and I found this chick's videos, and her voice is the most calming thing I've ever heard. Like, I don't know what it is about her, but her speaking voice is SO calm, and I just fell asleep.

That was at like, two. I woke up once, at like three, and What Not to Wear was on, but I decided that I still needed sleep, so I let Stacy and Clinton go about their escapades, but without me.

And I just woke up about half an hour ago. Stacy and Clinton were gone and replaced by "My First Home" where a child was screaming. I don't know what "My First Home" is, but I'd rather watch anything other then it. Even American Idol Rewind. But it's on very low, and I'm listening to music over it. Well, it was. Now it's over. I'll watch The Bachelor. Who knows, maybe I'll randomly get into it.

I haven't slept like that in a while, you guys. I'm quite happy that I got the chance to. I had the weirdest dreams though. Like, I had several that all connected together. I only remember parts of them, but the last one I had before I woke up was the characters from Scrubs were like, doing a musical, and they had scripts and everything, and I assumed it was another musical episode, but no, it was just a musical. Because I wasn't with Zach and Donald and everyone. No, I was with J.D. and Turk and that everyone. But they weren't like, all there. Like, J.D. was there, and Turk was there, and Elliot and Dr. Cox, and some of the residents, and The Todd and stuff, but Carla wasn't there. At least not Judy's Carla. Mandy was Carla. Like, Mandy Gonzalez. And they were friends with me, and I was sitting around talking to them like it's normal, and I was watching them do a musical, and Turk and J.D. wanted to write their own songs, but no one was letting them, and Mandy-Carla was singing and everyone was like :O CARLA WHEN DID YOU GET SO GOOD AT SINGING and I was like "When she became Mandy, that's when."
You see what happens when my friends leave me? I don't have a lot of friends, you see. And the ones that I do have, I spend all my time with, and not much other people. I don't like others, LiveJournal. I like you guys, my mom, Evel Jic, Jess, Mel, Neek, and all the whole gang over there. And that's it.

I think I'm going to pay my mother a visit, I haven't seen her much today.

G'night LJ. And sorry for posting three times today, I told you, I'm bored. It would've probably just been two, but Robin is so cute, I needed to share it with you guys. It wouldn't be nice of me to not.

ALRIGHT. Goodnight for real now (:

what not to wear, friends, sleep, how i met your mother, mandy gonzalez, robin de jesus, mom

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