I don't think you should let me...

Jan 05, 2009 17:28

...sum up In The Heights for you.

I don't think I'm gonna give you a summary of the show. Because I think it'd be stupid for me to even try.

You guys. This show. Was so. Fucking. Amazing.

Everything about it was unbelievable. There was not ONE bad part about it. From the minute we got to the theater, I was having a spaz attack. We all got up on the steps where the big poster of Lin was and we stood by it and took a picture. And since we were there all early we stood outside the theater for a reeeeeeeally long time. I was kind of dying. I was dancing, and talking a lot, and rambling, and being cold and I can't remember a single thing I said, I wasn't using my brain at that particular time. I do remember my diagram from this post being made fun of a bit though. Well, it's not as if I'm an artist or anything!

So we go in, and it was SUCH a nice theater. In the little room that's there before you enter the theater where people can buy tickets, and there was a little video playing with Lin, and Tommy Kail, and the cast and there was a poster, and the cast list, but I didn't have much time to look at it because they checked our tickets and we went in. And we were standing there, and there was a little TV on the wall next to where you buy t-shirts and stuff, and it had a picture of the stage on it, and I was like O.O HOLYCRAP. As if the Richard Rogers wasn't pretty enough? The set's gotta be THAT gorgeous?

I really like the Richard Rogers though, you guys. It's a REALLY nice theater. I like it a lot better then the Gershwin. And the people there are chilled out and NOT like OMGWICKEDLYKWHOACRAAAZAAAY! It was really nice. And I got a prettttty shirt :D

And then we're walking to our seats, and I wish I could SHOW you where we were. It was SUCH a good view. Perfect seats. And I took a look at my playbill, and GUESS WHAT YOU GUYS. LIN WASN'T THERE. Just kidding(: Lin was so totally there, as was everyone except Chris. Joshua Henry was on as Benny, and since I ALWAYS have a bunch of understudies WHENEVER I go see a show, this was incredibly lucky of me. And it was great that it wasn't Lin, Seth, Robin or Mandy. Or Marcy. Because I really wanted to see them all. And I've already seen Chris perform, so I wasn't devestated. I was fine. Don't get me wrong! I love Chris like crazy. But...I don't know, it's hard to explain. I'm just glad he was the only one out. Me and Evel Jic were hugging to the max.

So after that, I'm just staring at the stage, and it is SUCH a fantastic set. Like, there's always something to look at on that stage. Whether it's twenty minutes before the show where you're staring at the stage in AWE because it's so awesome. And then actually when the show's going on and asjghaoh. Like I said. There's always something going on.

I'm not going to give anything away, because A: you should totally go see the show yourself. And B: I know more then half of you guys probably don't even know what In The Heights is. Which is very sad. BUT WHATEVER.

Sosososo everyone who does care:
-Lin's adorable. He just is. I don't even know, everything he does. When he gets up onstage, you want to hug him. He's so perfect. Like, I'm totally not worthy. I can't describe him. But he's got such a pretty, distinct voice. And he's absolutely beautiful. And he's an awesome actor. Everytime he came out onstage, I was like overwhelmed by this feeling of total adoration. Everything he does made me love him even more. The man is just brilliant. Like, you're watching In The Heights, and you see Lin, and you're like, this came out of him! And you know the whole theater feels it too, because when he first came out, there was applause. I sound like a loser. That's because I suck at describing things, and Lin's too damn awesome.
-Seth Stewart has a very commanding stage prescence. Whenever he's onstage you have to stare at him. Like, I was all-annoyed-but-not-really because I would watch him whenever he was there and I would hear, like, Lin singing, and I would look for Lin and lose him! Because I was so busy watching Seth! But seriously guys. That man is one hell of a dancer. I love him even more now that I've gotten to actually see him play Graffiti Pete. He's awesome. He needs some more love, I'm thinking.
-Marcy Harriell is fantastic. She was awesome. I have to admit, as much confidence as I had in her, and as anxious as I was to see her, I kept thinking that she was going to do something that would bother me, but the second she came onstage with cell phone going "Noooooooooooo!" I loved her. Her voice = A+ Marcy overall = A+
-Joshua Henry was a very good Benny. I enjoyed him quite a bit. And, to quote Evel Jic, he's more blatantly black then Chris. I approve. Not like I need to or anything, but yes, I approve.
-I think Sonny may be my favorite character. You need to see the show to see Robin totally not be his adorable, sweet, gay self, but be this character that is the complete opposite of him, and do it perfectly. I loved Robin so much. He's an AWESOME actor, and his voice is great, and he's just so cute, you know? His lines were some of the best things about the show, and around the end he got applause for one of his lines that I'm also not giving away. He's so good that if the show sucked, (which it doesn't in any way) he would totally make it all better. And the little Sonny/Graffiti Pete moments were the best. They are one delightful friendship pairing.
-Daniela and Carla are so cute. Like, for real. I love them so much. They are such an adorable friendship, and Andrea and Janet are just the cutest things ever. I don't even know what else to say. They're adorable though(:
-THE DANCING. THE MUSIC. THE LIGHTS. Oh lordy. How did that show not win for best lighting, is what I have to say.
-I was like, gripping Evel Jic's hand during In The Heights and Breathe. And I cried at the end of In The Heights for some reason, and at the end of the finale, the second Lin and went "Yeah, I'm a streetlight, chillin in the heat!"
-Go see the show. I don't care if you don't like Broadway, go see this show. It's quite obviously one of the best shows on Broadway at the moment, and they deserve every person they get. I swear though, if you see it, you won't regret it.
The stagedoor was fantastic. Besides Seth not coming out. But that's okay. A: seeing him was enough. B: I've met him, and I tortured him enough at the CD signing, so I think it's fine. But yeah, most fun I've ever had at the stagedoor.

But I did meet Krysta, who is totally my best friend now and even MORE adorable in person, and Luis (!!!), Janet, Andrea, Mandy, who remembered us from the CD signing, Eliseo, who called Izzy cute and when I asked for a hug said "Of course! Everyone deserves hugs!", Robin, who was so sweet and lovely and cute I can't even talk about it, and Liiiin! So like, I was totally fine around everyone in the whole cast, and I was like talking to them and not shy or nervous, and I told Mandy that she gave me chills, I told Andrea that she was amazing, and Luis that he was a fantastic dancer, and Krysta that I loved her, but for some reason, when Lin came, I was speechless and shy and I couldn't talk anymore. So I just went "LincanIhaveahug?" and he was like, looking at me like I was insane and was like "Pssh, of course you can have a hug!" And we took a group picture with him because he needed to get home. But he's so charming, and so funny, and he's so good at speaking to people. And he has such a nice speaking voice as well. I need to learn to not be so in awe of him so if I ever get the chance to meet him again, I'll be able to say something. That's my New Years resolution.

And for the awesome people out there who know what Freestyle Love Supreme is, which isn't like, anyone on my friendslist, Evel Jic found Shockwave! I didn't see him at first, but then I noticed this guy sitting against the wall with a hood and glasses and looking off at the theater, and I told Evel Jic to say something, and she was like "...hey, you! You look like Shockwave!" And he looked at us and kind of smiled and looked down and we were like OHMYGODITSSHOCKWAVE. And we run over and he gives us hugs and takes a picture with us, and he looked so awkward, but happy at the same time. And Shockwave's really quiet, by the way. Anyway, he was like "How do you know me?" And Evel Jic's like "Freestyle Love Supreme." and he's like "Ah." and I can't remember what he said, but something about how he hung out there and how the cast were his friends, which is totally true because when everyone was leaving, they all went over and hugged him. And when he and Andrea hugged, it was just the cutest thing ever. And he and Mandy, and Eliseo, and Andrea, and I think Janet all walked away together. It was ADORABLE. As if I didn't love Shockwave enough.

But yeah. That was long, and rambly, and I'm sorry, but that day was really good.

I heart yesterday.

Go see In The Heights, friendslist :D It's incredible.

lin-manuel miranda, in the heights, freestyle love supreme, evel jic, robin de jesus, seth stewart

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