(no subject)

Dec 20, 2008 11:07


I'm at Evel Jic's house! And I'm posting. I have no idea why. I think just because she's in the shower and left me to the computer, telling me to do whatever. Oh. Shower just stopped. So I shall be seeing her in a few minutes. Yay!

Ummmm I'm going Christmas shopping soon. With Evel Jic. And my mom. I don't think Jess is coming anymore.

She's mad at me, you see.

Because I wouldn't get her a white sweatshirt for Christmas.

Even though YESTERDAY she TOLD me she wanted SOCKS. Oh my friends. It's like straight out of an Augusten Burroughs novel, seriously.

Lalalala. Waiting for my motherrrrrr. And Evel Jicccc. Lalala. Look at Lin! Isn't he cute? He's in my icon.

Christmas is in a few days! Five, to be exact. Because it's December 20th. Woo.

That's pretty cool.

I may be getting a laptop in five days. If so, I'm going to be very excited.

Lalalalala. What elseeeeeeeee?

In The Heights is so close I can taste it. Oh my exciting life. Except not really. Just at the moment. I had a pretty cool In The Heights dream last night, actually. Lin and Karen and Mandy were teachers, and Lin was the chorus teacher and he wanted to sing Christmas Bells but they wouldn't let him. There was more to the dream, but I don't think anyone cares.

AND I DON'T BELIEVE I GOT AY SUGGESTIONS FOR A MOODTHEME IN MY LAST POST. But that's okay. I'm not actually mad. I'm in a pretty okay mood at the moment. For someone literally feet away from me hating me, I'd say I'm doing considerably well.

Alright. Must be off.

jess, lin-manuel miranda, in the heights, mandy gonzalez, mom, evel jic, karen olivo, laptop

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