I'm not supposed to be on right now...

Nov 13, 2008 16:38

Because I was a jerk and I got the computer taken away for the day.

But it's worth the risk, right?

To tell you lovely people about my life.

WILLIAM GOT KICKED OFF STYLISTA LAST NIGHT D:D:D:D:D:D: So I'll use my William icon for this post. For the lovely, adorable, gay, British William.

Sooooo today was a dayyyyy.

Good Things About Today
1. Nick. Hahahaha. I LOVE HIM! No one else seems to. He and Tom, who're like my favorite people in the class, seem to be hated by everyone except for me. People say they're mean. Maybe you just bother them. So anyway, yes, Nick. He decided today that Dan was a farmer and comes into school and sees Dan and goes "Hey Farmer Dan, how's the crops?" And when Dan got a ball thrown at him, Nick was like "He's just trying to be a farmer!" And everyone was like "Whatttttttt? Shut up Nick." And I was just like, laughing hysterically and Dan was all confused. But Dan's always confused.

2. I got free fries today! From this chick Ashley. She decided to get me some because she thinks I'm anorexic because all I usually have at lunch is like, water and a cookie. IF I have a cookie. But I'm not anorexic, I just don't like eating so early. But yeah, I was actually hungry today and I was talking about how Amanda's fries looked good and she wouldn't give me any, so Ashley was just like "You know what? You never eat. I'll go get fries." And she did! And I didn't owe her any money for it! Because she offered! Oh, nice people.

3. My group won another Edgar Allan Poe thing. April said so. And Antonio was like "Wayne's a good luck charm. I call him next time we're in groups." So I guess I'm gonna have to be in Antonio's group. Whatever. I like him, so it's nottttttt a problem.

4. I did see Annie today. That was supercool. It was at the end of the day, but I love Annie, so that was cool.
Bad Things About Today
1. Amanda was a huge bitchface. All day. I'm not in the mood to talk about her anymore so make your own conclusions. Yeah, so, I was so annoyed with her today, I actually made a list in my head with every thing I hated about her on it. Cruel? Yes. A good way to vent? Also yes.

2. Evel Jic wasn't there for the one period a day I actually get to see her ): Forcing me to be alone through gym. I chilled with this dude Christian for a bit, then he was like OOOOOH BASKETBALLLLLLLLLLL and he abandoned me.

3. I got grounded from the computer. How will I survive the night?

4. The weather sucks. And it got me all wet. And even though I really, really love rain, I don't really, really love it when I'm in school and it's raining and I have to walk through it.

5. I got a C on my report card in Math. I hate Math. And grades.

And that's all I can remember at the moment.

Ah, I have to go. I'm becoming increasingly paranoid I'm going to get caught.

amanda, dan, school, annie, computer, evel jic, stylista

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