This post contains a To-Do list.

Sep 25, 2008 19:40

Hello internet!

It's very very incredibly nice to be back at a computer that's not the school's. I mean, I was on yesterday when I wrote my panicked little post about Legally Blonde closing and when I messaged a dear friend of mine, but you know, it's good to be typing. Like, for real. Without having to get off in like five seconds. I've just been checking my email and reading [title of show] blogs and doing LiveJournalish things. You know. Normal Wayne things.

And I just found out my iTunes no longer works. What? I don't even know. Stupid iTunes. It says I have to restart the wholeee computer to get it to work, but no. That aint happening. I'll just use my lovely LimeWire. Where I can listen to the Weekenders theme song! Yay! Okay. I'm alright now. Hello Wayne Brady's voice. I think I'm the only person in the world that knew that Wayne Brady sang the Weekenders themsong. Maybe I'm not. But whenever I tell people they're like "REALLY?" Except not because people aren't as capslocky in real life as they are in my mind.

Me and Wayne Brady are friends, we share a first name.

That's all I have to say about him.

So. What is up with me. Absolutely nothing since the last time I posted. Which doesn't really count because it was spazzy and angry and stuff.

So I guess the last time I posted was last Friday. So yeah. Stupid me.

I guess stuff has happened. It just hasn't been to me. Like, the new season of How I Met Your Mother started. Of course the new season is gonna be awesome. Can it not be awesome? I don't think so. I love that showwww. But yeah, the first episode started what looks like a great season to come. It's definitely gonna aid the suckiness of the Monday day before it. Something I can look forward to, anyway. Got a new icon, by the way. I don't know, I really, really, really liked it and I don't know why. The five of them remind me of friendship (: That's really why I put it on. The picture was great and the minute I looked at them, I thought of friendship. I don't know, I'm weird.
The new season of Heroes started too. Which is always awesome. Heroes is a great show. Even if it is too smart for me. I love it. And I swear, Cristine Rose who plays Angela Petrelli reminds me so much of P-Lo it's isnanity. But yeah. Also great season opener. Seriously mannnn. Although I'm a little turned off by aggressive bug-like Mohinder. And by I'm-gonna-start-preaching-to-the-Lord Nathan. And future Peter's all weird. And there was not enough Matt :P But Sylar is still the best fucking villan to ever live. Maybe not. But he's up there. He, Voldemort and Heath Ledger's Joker should team up. They'd be an awesome team. Admit it. I really can't wait for the next episode :D As confused as it makes me sometimes, that show is awesome. Also comes on on Mondays (: So that's cool.

School's almost done for the week. Thank god. I failed two tests today and I'm gonna fail like two more tomorrow. And April's writing sucks. April my teacher by the way. Like, you're supposed to teach this kind of thing and you can barely write yourself? And she's all "Use big words even when they sound stupid!" and she seems to not like my writing. But she seems to absolutely adore everyone else's. I really just want one compliment from her! Not even a compliment! Just acknowlegement.

Oh and I have a new friend! His name's Tom and he's awesome. I sound four. But whatever. He sits next to me in a lot of my classes because our last names are close. And he seems to tolerate me okay. He's funny. And witty. And sarcastic. And he's got a really deep voice that makes everything he says very monotone. This dude is awesome. AND WHILE I'M TALKING ABOUT NEW FRIENDS let's talk about Dan. No, not Dan Gheesling silly reader, Dan...whatever his last name is. I don't know it. I should learn it. But not now. Anyway, yes, Dan's awesome and incredibly incredibly nice and he doesn't hate me. I don't think he likes me very much, but he tolerates me and always says hi to me when I say hi to him. And you have to Dayyyyyyyn mah mayyyyyynnnnn in a really squeaky, Keesha voice or it won't work. Or you have to STOP IT DAN! in a loud, Renny voice. One of those and it's guarrunteed he'll turn around. So yeah. They're cool.

And that's all I have to say about Tom and Dan.

Hm. I don't know what else to talk about. I could talk about [title of show] and Legally Blonde closing. But I won't. Because I honestly don't wanna. I could talk about how Pushing Daisies won an Emmy. But I don't really know what to say about that other then Lee and Kristin are incredibly cute when their director's recieving an award :D OOH! Pushing Daisies starts soon too! Yay!

And speaking of the Emmy's: JOSH GROBAN IS AMAZING. He was at the Emmy's and he performed this whole meadly of theme songs thing and it was great He's got a really, really, really big voice. Like, big is the right word for his voice. And it's pretty. And I love it. Agh, he's so cool. If you haven't seen his performance, I reccomend going to search it on YouTube or something. It's most likely on there.

Ooh I have to watch Project Runway. NO ONE TELL ME WHO WENT HOME OKAY? I know some people like to.

I watch too much TV.

I should make a To-Do list.

Wayne's To-Do List
-try on the next tests
-do my Math homework
-come up with a closing line to my fucking essay
-start my book report
-watch Project Runway
-try to get iTunes to work again
-remember to stop giving Amanda my stuff
-make Evel Jic her Lin icon
-do something this weekend
-take a shower
-have an okay weekend

Not too hard is it? I'll tell you how it goes when I post next

Until next time faithful readers.

lin-manuel miranda, pushing daisies, keesha, amanda, dan, [title of show], lee pace, renny, project runway, tom, school, how i met your mother, evel jic, kristin chenoweth

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