And crack is pretty cheap (as
is my understanding). Free love pushed the value of sex down to $0 and
significantly shrank an industry.
If we’re going to apply economic definitions, we should be
consistent: obtaining crack is presumably cheap, but doing crack
involves serious health problems and becoming useless for a job, so the
main cost of crack use is in terms of health and opportunity cost.
Also, despite the label “free love,” sex is not free: you
(presumably) have to get to know the other person, spend on good clothes
and grooming to look attractive, learn the social skills and rules of
dating, and buy drinks for the other person. (Of course, not every item
may apply in every scenario, and some of those may be sunk costs, making
the marginal cost of dating/hookups very low, but that’s still not
free. It is only vastly cheaper than it previously was.) I’d liken it
to what would happen if DeBeers suddenly opened their vaults and let all
the diamonds out on the market, instead of the small fraction it lets
through now. Diamond prices would plummet. This would not be the same
thing as being free but would still probably destroy the industry.
erinfinnegan’s article is pretty spot-on, otherwise. Ultimately a lot of the
problems discussed stem from not costs, but the arrangement of marginal
costs. That is, it costs an uploader money to obtain a DVD, but none
extra to upload said DVD. If, in theory, it were possible to
attach a huge cost to uploading and lessen the cost of obtaining DVDs,
then more DVDs would be sold and fewer would be uploaded.
The pursuit of this situation is what has driven new measures to
protect intellectual property. The only problem is that granting
corporations the power to implement such measures is horribly invasive
of privacy, and that is also a cost that ought to be factored