The Animal Personality Game

Sep 30, 2008 16:46

I played this game- it was real interesting.
It was a few questions that would show your personality through animals.
Turns out.

I'm an Otter.

I got 34/40 on this.

It says otters are energetic, optimistic, outgoing, and talkative people.
Too true.
Although it says Otters rush at what they do, are disorganized, and can't listen well.
It says sometimes otters may think of popularity more important than deadlines.
Also, it says when otters are pressured, they'll attack.

The animal I'm least like is the Lion.

Lions like to take charge, are efficient, completes things quickly, and are decisive.
They're however impatient, bad at listening, demanding and can be insensitive.
They are supposedly motivated by action.

My sister was a Beaver.
Beavers are very logical, they are accurate, analytical, thorough, and always read instructions. (unlike me. XD)
However they're perfectionists, very picky, and are overly cautious.
They like to avoid confrontations just like the otters!

My mom got G- the Golden Retriever.
They are team players, patient, puts people above projects, reliable, and really compassionate.
However they may sacrifice things for the sake of harmony, and are slow initiators.
Often they give in to wishes and ideas of other people.

My family's so different. XD

Man that was fun. XD
I'll post more.. About smexy Jealkb. ;]


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