Your character may or may not have seen the above flyer around town--they've been tacked up to all the buildings, street lights, and billboards to be found. If somehow they missed that, though, they'll surely have received the following email directly to their cell phone, with an attached jpg of the flyer:
Greetings, ladies and gentlemen!
The Vizzini Cultural Society would like to remind you that February 16th, the city council will be hosting a variety of events for citizens and guests alike to attend. There will be free entertainment provided for people of all ages, including a parade, traveling circus, masquerade ball, and a fireworks display at night to cap off the festivities! Please come enjoy the splendor and merriment of Carnevale!
For more details, please refer to this page! And of course, if you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to speak up.]