--What theme do you want?
i found some images and i was wondering if someone would be kind enough to create a layout for me using one of the images (its up to the creator to decide which image they would like to use).
http://www.art.com/asp/sp-asp/_/PD--10093618/Driftwood_Irises.htm?sOrig=CRT&sOrigId=1050&ui=CB0DB11A3C5443C0B3717F39A9A9EC72# http://www.art.com/asp/sp-asp/_/PD--10041174/Times_Square_-_Kissing_the_War_Goodbye.htm?sOrig=CAT&sOrigID=20010&ui=CB0DB11A3C5443C0B3717F39A9A9EC72 http://www.art.com/asp/sp-asp/_/PD--10008160/_Driftwood_(embossed).htm?sOrig=CRT&sOrigId=71&Rose_&ui=CB0DB11A3C5443C0B3717F39A9A9EC72 --What colors would you like to see?
if possible, i would like red or pink font for my entries. however, i'm not very picky and if the creator decides another color will work better, that's fine. The background of the entire journal should be black.
--Have you read(and understand) the rules?
--Have something specific in mind? Tell us exactly what you want
can my entries please appear on the left side? thank you very much!