Death Note/ X/ Tokyo Babylon: Hokuto x Misa fic

Nov 17, 2008 15:58

Title: Friendship
Fandom: Tokyo Babylon/X/Death Note
Pairing: Sumeragi Hokuto x Amane Misa
Theme Set: Beta
Rating: PG.
Warnings: May not make sense timeline-wise, set during the time skip so there are spoilers, crack pairings.
Notes: Written for 1sentence. Took me WAAY longer than it should. Written in chronological order.

#01- Walking

Misa was walking home when she first met Hokuto and Light didn’t ask why she returned home late.

#02- Waltz

Misa watched Hokuto dance and Hokuto was the one who started their friendship.

#12 Blessing

Misa never admitted that to her, meeting Hokuto was a blessing when she needed a friend.

#20 Bane

There was nothing about Misa that annoyed Hokuto at all and the feeling was mutual.

#23 Questions

Whenever a question between them was unanswered, it remained that way.

#24 Quarrel

The two of them didn’t agree on everything but their arguments were quick and

#09 War

War was a subject that never made itself into their conversations.

#27 Jester

Misa could make Hokuto laugh even when the latter felt a strange form of depression.

#28 Jousting

Hokuto’s witty banter was something that entertained Misa.

#42 Neutral

Misa hoped that Hokuto’s opinion on Kira was neutral- and even if that wasn’t the case, she was glad that they never discussed Kira or the relationship would have probably ended before Misa could realize what she felt for Hokuto.

#30 Just

Misa never asked what Hokuto thought on whether or not Kira was justice- she was afraid of the answer.

#17 Belief

Misa talked about an unrequited love and devotion, and Hokuto always believed her.

#07 Waste/Wasteland

Hokuto doesn’t understand how the person Misa only refers to as her fiancé wastes her love and devotion like that- but Hokuto doesn’t know that much on Misa’s life with that person so there must be something she doesn’t know.

#04 Wonder

Hokuto always wondered how Misa lived with the man she only to as her fiancé.

#05 Worry

But then again, Misa never asked when Hokuto talked to her about her worries regarding Subaru without telling her exactly where her worries lay.

#03 Wishes

“Do you have a wish, Misa-san?”, Hokuto asks, and Misa thinks that hers to find someone who loves her the same way she does might as well come true- but just maybe.

#06 Whimsy

Hokuto would drive Misa away from her dreams about a world where she and Light can live happily- and Misa herself didn’t mind at all.

#08 Whiskey and Rum

The only person next to whom Misa ever got drunk was Hokuto.

#22 Quirks

Misa didn’t think Hokuto had any quirks but managed to stop herself from seeing Hokuto as perfect just in time.

#31 Smirk

When Misa first mentions the word ‘sakura’ Hokuto’s expression doesn’t resemble a smirk at all.

#35 Sarcasm

Hokuto knew she was seeing a different side to the one most knew as Misa-Misa when she started using sarcastic remearks next to her and only her.

#37 Soliloquy

Misa would always listen to what Hokuto had to say even if Hokuto wasn’t addressing her but talking to herself.

#40 Solitary

She shouldn’t be feeling lonely when Light is next to her, and yet she felt much closer to Hokuto then she ever felt to Light.

#48 Virtuous

Misa wanted to know how to be as strong and kind and Hokuto.

#47 Valiant

Hokuto taught Misa how much she can be brave.

#13 Bias

Misa always favored Light but it changed when her feelings for Hokuto became far more then platonic.

#10 Weddings

Misa imagined what a wedding with Hokuto would be like and it embarrassed her to think about it.

#45 Natural

Misa loved Hokuto, and it wasn’t natural for her to love another woman so differently.

#34 Serenade

Misa imagined herself serenading to Hokuto and it amused her for some odd reason.

#14 Burning

Even if her cookies were burnt when she returned to see them, Hokuto decided that receiving her first kiss from Misa made up for it.

#21 Quiet

There was rarely a quiet moment between them until Misa finally kissed Hokuto after days of suppressing the feelings.

#26 Jump

Misa jumped slightly the first time Hokuto asked her on a date.

#19 Balcony

They spent almost their entire first date on a balcony.

#15 Breathing

Misa liked the feeling of a sleeping Hokuto’s breath on her neck.

#33 Stupidity

Misa Amane herself - buried under lipstick and platinum blonde pigtails and smiles and laughter -was much smarter than anybody knew, anyone other than Hokuto, next to whom Misa felt that she could be herself.

#39 Share

Surely Light wouldn’t mind sharing me with Hokuto-chan, Misa thinks, and adds that he probably wouldn’t care anyway.

#29 Jewel

Hokuto bought Misa a small and fake jewel that Misa cherished in her little secret treasure box.

#32 Sorrow

Misa never imagined that she’d cry for anyone other than Light so much.

#11 Birthday

Misa never asked about Hokuto’s birthday but on hers she received a colourful wedding dress that she kept to herself after Hokuto disappeared.

#16 Breaking

When Misa found out that Hokuto died, it broke her yet Light was there and she managed to move on.

#18 Balloon

If you don’t hold a balloon enough, it will fly away- and Misa wonders if she could’ve prevented Hokuto’s death too.

#25 Quitting

Misa didn’t give up hoping that Hokuto might show up one day even if it was childish and naïve.

#38 Sojourn

It all ended quickly and Misa was missing Hokuto before she even realized it.

#41 Nowhere

After they both left, it seemed that Misa’s life was going nowhere and she couldn’t go on like this.

#44 Near

The end is near and Misa waits-

#46 Horizon

She knows she reached the top, the limit, and she cannot take it anymore.

#49 Victory

In the end, nobody won.

#50 Defeat

And in the end, nobody lost.

#43 Nuance

Dying is quick and painless, and Misa doesn’t feel a shade of regret as she lies on the floor and departs from the world.

x, death note

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