We would like a rabbit cage, that fits into our living room like a piece of furniture. The options for pre-made on-line are abysmal to say the least. Really? Everyone who has an indoor rabbit uses hulking wire cages? The best option I've come up with so far is to take this dog crate-
Interior Dimensions: 24" Width x 36" Depth x 26" Height
I would then adapt it, by taking out the lower panel of wood on the side and attach a wire mesh on the inside, so as to let more light into the crate. I would also need to line the door with mesh, so that the bunny didn't chew her way out. Also, It seems like it would make sense to remove the floor of the crate, and again line with wire mesh and place a pan underneath for ease of cleaning. All this is doable, but before I do any of these changes, I've already spent about $400 for something I'm going to pull apart. I'm also going with a hope that the finish is non-toxic "enough" to not kill the bun.
So, any hobbyist furniture makers you would recommend I speak to for ideas or hiring to build from scratch? Ideas of your own to make it a bunny haven?
I am a previous house rabbit owner, so yes our rabbit or two will have plenty of time outside of the cage, but I do believe they are safest tucked inside when we are out of the house for the day.