(no subject)

Oct 14, 2011 22:24

So, I've been getting a pretty good amount of interview requests, so much that I've had to start turning down interview invites.

In general, this would make me very happy, except that I haven't been invited for an interview at my first choice program. I haven't been rejected either, which is a good sign but no invite is making me nervous.

On the bright side, I have received a request to interview at my second choice. Obviously I will be attending, but my ER rotation schedule is being a pain in my ass. I have an overnight shift the night before my interview, which I can't make. So I'm going to try to see if anyone wants to switch with me, but if not I'll just have to take an absence. I'm really nervous that the hospital admin are going to be real jerks about it but I HAVE to go to that interview. I don't like the stress. :(

I hope it all pays off in the end. I don't find out where I'm going until February 13. Hopefully it is good news. 

med school, stupid rl

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