So, that dress I've been yapping about for weeks... I finally have it done enough to show off. It's not DONE, of course.
I'm pleased with it... and not.
I'm pleased with the arm things, the bat, and the pearls. Not so much with the ruff or the overall look.
You can see I still need to color in that damn tab on the back, and fiddle with the edges of things.
I'm really proud of the bat~ He goes over two sections of mesh, so it was a serious pain to get everything the right size and lined up. Everything's drawn by hand, I'm miserable at photoskinning.
Uhm. I still need to give it all a texture map so things don't look flat, fix the edges, see about making it closer to the color of the real dress, and make a second version with all the rips and tears and stuff. (But probably not the blood stain, since I'm not real sure about my capability for drawing blood.) And some things aren't quite accurate due to bad references or simply not being able to get them right.
(Oh, reference for the real dress:
Here. Hope I don't get my head torn off for linking to someone else's picture. @_@)
Any comments? @_@
(Ps: The skin on the model is Simcribbling's Slate Grey)