Abused, Adulterated, Anti-Psychotic

Jun 29, 2010 10:06

Cardiac wards, Anti-Psychotic Medication, Survival Knives. When did I become the sort of person you meet on-line. Shocking.

Anyway, lets get down to the serious business of hating question marks with Gertrude Stein

"It is evident that if you ask a question you ask a question but anyone who can read at all knows when a question is a question ... I could never bring myself to use a question mark, I always found it positively revolting"

And she is of course entirely and completely correct, on one hand we have the bizarre crusades against adverbs, yet we insist on using a typographical bibelot slip "questioningly" into our language with gay abandon. Out out damned hookéd spot.
Exclamation marks are even more ghastly, because they make any statement seem breathlessly adolescent, and noisomely false. They need removed as well, under the simple grounds they are another appalling precis of an adverb. In modern language the various stabs at having something denoting sarcasm would at least serve some use, and remove the punch in the throat required for hanging a smiley off the most pointed of abuse.


stig, style manuals, gertrude stein, punctuation

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