Feb 11, 2007 12:13
As of late I've felt proud of myself. I've killed three books in the past 5 days and I'm on my way into my fourth. I'm reading like I use to which makes me so happy because I have roughly 40 to 45 books on my shelves that I have owned for years and have not read or have only read part of. I promised Nic I would tackle Clive Barker's Thief of Always which I think I'll finish sometime today or tomorrow.
Tonight we are going to see Pan's Labyrinth with my ex-coworker Angie and her boyfriend Daniel. I have not been this excited to see a movie in a very long time.
A bird flew out of our flue on Wednesday. It was large and the cats were very curious.
I'm watching an Always commercial on T.V. which states that some of their pads now come with wet wipes. Teehee.
movies books birds